
Welcome to the Dragon Cliffs. Many dragons make their homes in these cliffs on the righthead various ledges. Most of the dragons here are peaceful but take care not to anger them for their fury can be great. Feel free to visit them in their lairs and to take any pictures you want just please add a link to your page back here. The dragons thank you and welcome you to their homes.


Dragon Encounters

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* Dragon Prince: Book II

The Star Scroll

Written by Melanie Rawn. Published by DAW.. Cover art by Michael Whelan.


Gold Dragons

These are a few of the mystical Gold Dragons who rule the Dragon Cliffs. For ages they have been fighting the Black Dragon outlaws who refuse to follow the law and order of the land. They have sworn to battle each other until they reach an agreement or one of their races is utterly defeated. The Gold Dragons rely on their magic to help them survive and draw on the power of the sun and the moon for help.

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Gold Claw Half Strike Armour Scale Sun's Ray Ping Flare

Gold Claw leads the armies of the gold dragons in battles against the black dragons. He is a fearless leader and would never run from a battle.

Half Strike may be small but this only aids in his quickness. He's also part black dragon which elicits distrust from some of the other golds even though he has sworn allegiance to them.

Armour Scale is from a band of tough scaled gold dragons (hence the name). His band usually fights in close combat since they are less likely to suffer damage.

Sun's Ray and her clan are part of the dragons that rely on the sun to supply power for their magic. They use the suns light to amplify their abilities to aid in healing but are forbidden to use it for battle.

Ping and her clan not only use the sun for their magic but the moon as well. Unlike Sun's Ray's clan, Ping and her comrades use their magic in battle. Unfortunatly they are only allowed to perform the slightest of healing spell and that is only with the use of the sun.

Flare is one of the gold dragon spies. He does not take part in the actual combat, but rather relays information or handles minor attacks on single black dragons.


Black Dragons

These are the powerful and fearless Black Dragons. They broke away from the ways of the Gold Dragons centuries ago and took refuge among the peaks of the Dragon Cliffs. Once, their numbers were great but because of the on going struggle to survive their numbers have dwindled. Now only the most powerful survive. It is rumored that if the Black Dragons were ever to band together, their increased strength would overwhelm the Gold Dragons and the Dragon Cliffs would be theirs to command. This is unlikely to happen, however, because the Black Dragons are scattered among the peaks and it is virtually impossible to find more than twenty together at one place. Unlike the Gold Dragons, the Black Dragons only turn to magic as a last resort and when they use it they draw on the powers of the stars and the earth.

(These must be linked because some of them do not show up on the black background.)

Night's Wing QuickDeath Black Fang Shard Black Rain

Night's Wing was once the leader of the proud Black Dragon race. He still maintains that title although he has had to appoint underlings to each tribe of black dragons since they are all few and far between. Night's Wing spends most of his time flying from tribe to tribe to ensure that his race survives. What time he has to himself, he spends plotting to overthrow the Gold Dragons.

QuickDeath is Night's Wing's best spy. He is quick to act and even quicker in thought. Along with being Night's WIng's best spy, he is also his most trusted advisor because of his high intelligence. QuickDeath despises the Gold Dragons and would be only too glad too see them all swollowed up by the earth. Unbeknown to QuickDeath is that he has a half brother among the Gold Dragons by the name of Half Strike.

Black Fang leads the rebel dragons on their attacks on the Gold Dragons. Hard as it is to assemble more than twenty Black Dragons at any given time, Black Fang is always there to lead them in their battles against their hated foes.

Shard is a sharp witted magician. Her kind are small in number since the Black Dragons rarely rely on magic for anything. Even so, her power is great and when pitted against the magic of the Gold Dragons she is an adversary to be reckoned with.

Black Rain is one of the Black Dragons that even his own kin are wary of. Black Rain is one of the few dragons who is pure evil. He would kill just for the joy of it and takes pleasure in complete chaos. While most of the Black Dragons would like to be rid of the Golds, they would also like to live in relative peace once they secure their rule. Black Rain is one who would be only too glad to see the death and despair continue.

More of the Black Dragon brethren.

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Other Dragons

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Written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Bantam. Books.

Dragon Wing The Hand of Chaos Into the Labyrinth The Seventh Gate


The Dragonling

The Dragonling series is writen by Jackie French Koller. Available from Minstrel. Books. Illustrations by Judith Mitchell

A Dragon in the Family Dragon Trouble Dragons and Kings


The background for this page is from this site babydrag.gif Ladyhipoo's Adoption Center

The Death Gate Cycle pictures (ommiting The Hand of Chaos) were taken from this site babydrag.gif The Best of Fantasy and SF

If you want the song on this page click here

Lunarian Cavern (From Final Fantasy II)
