
Into The Land of the Unicorns is Book One of the Unicorn Chronicles. Written by Bruce Coville. This is an Apple Paperbacks. Book published by Scholastic Inc.

Past the cave mouth there's a sudden and dense fog. It's like standing right in the middle of a cloud. All of a sudden there is a bright light.

When the light subsides, a beautiful valley comes into veiw. The spring grass is bright and shining in the warm sun. A breeze rustles through the branches of some nearby trees and a few blossoms float lazily to the ground.

In the distance the sound of hooves is heard. They seem to be getting closer. Could it be the Unicorns? Or perhaps it's the Pegasi getting ready for flight. There are many scenes in this magical world. Go forth and enjoy them.


White Unicorns

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Black Unicorns

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* Black Unicorn. Written by Tanith Lee. A TOR. Book published by Tom Doherty Associates, Inc. Cover art by Dennis Nolan.


The Particolored Unicorn


* The Particolored Unicorn. Written by Jon DeCles. Cover art by Darrell Sweet. This is an Ace Book published by The Berkley Publishing Group.



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