As Slave 1 pulled out of hyperspace, the incoming message light started to blink. Fett turned his chair around and turned on the holographic projector. A dim shape started to fade in. The image was of a squat man wearing an imperial uniform with the rank of admiral.

"I am Admiral Ziek of the Imperial Class Star Destroyer 'Denominator'. We are in need of your help, Fett. One of four scientists, a human from Aderaan named Jack Livzark, has stolen the plans for a new more powerful Tie Fighter. He is believed to be hiding in the Daggon System. We need you to capture his shuttles. You may kill him but we need those plans"

"What do I get out of it?"

"12,000 credits if he is alive with the plans, 9,000 if he isn't alive with the plans."

"You have a deal, Admiral."

"Oh, yes, there is also a group of mercenaries helping him, so do be careful."

Fett turned off the projector and turned in the chair back around. He reset the navigational computer to take him to the Daggon System.

Slave 1 came out of hyperspace at the edge of the Daggon System. The sensors came on and picked up a lone Lambada Class Shuttle.

A few minutes later, it also picked up 3 X-Wings, 4 B-Wings, and 2 A-Wings that just came out of hyperspace. He put the engines to full throttle and flipped a switch that opened 3 secret panels concealing an ion cannon, a proton torpedo tube, and a con- cussion missile tube. Once the shuttle was in his sights, he took 3 shots with the ion cannon; all hitting the shields. The shuttle contacted him over the radio.

"This is 'Shuttle Farg.' We don�t mean you any harm but if you do not leave you will be sorry."

"This is Boba Fett speaking. Hand over the plans or be destroyed."

That's when the 3 X-wings opened fire and hit him.

Fett cut the throttle down to half speed and began to loop up. Just as he thought, the X-Wings followed. Then he set the throttle to full and came up behind them, locked on the first one and shot a proton torpedo. Then he switched to lasers and opened fire on the second one. The proton torpedo hit the first X-Wing which sent it spinning into the third X-Wing. He switched over to concussion missiles and fired two at the second X-Wing. Switching back to lasers, he rolled the ship over behind the third X-Wing and took out the right stabilizer. The second X-Wing was destroyed by the concussion missiles. The third X-Wing blew up. This was not expected to happen because of the lasers. It must have self destructed or something.

Fett quickly locked onto the first craft with concussion missiles and shot three missiles. The first craft was finally gone. Then his sensors detected the the two A-Wings coming up in front of him.

He got a lock on the first fighter and fired three concussion missiles at it because the proton torpedoes would have been too slow.

The A-Wing was spread out all around the galaxy the next time Fett looked up. h The sensors detected four B-wings coming up behind him. The B-Wings are very powerful but also very slow. Two of the B-Wings took out his rear deflector shields and started to work on his engines. The other two B-Wings came around in front of Fett and ordered him to surrender; but he refused, and opened fire. Taking the left wing of the craft off with his lasers; he sent it hurling to the right While trying to get a lock on the other one, the pilot lost his main engine. A few minutes later a proton torpedo took out his navigational computer. He aimed Slave 1 at the planet below where he crashed into a couple of trees before crashing to the ground. After turning on Slave 1's self repair system, Fett got up and left.

Outside of the ship, he saw the B-Wings land a little way out from him. Fett went back in the ship, and grabbed his blaster rifle and pistol. He went back out and hid under a wing, waiting for the pilots to come after him.

A few minutes later, a man walked up with his blaster drawn. The other pilots followed. They went into the ship and found that no one was there. They started to search the area. Fett took his chance, got up and dove behind a tree. Fett took the safety off the rifle and shot the first pilot in the throat. The other three took cover and opened fire on him. He started to shoot back and a few minutes later his gun jammed. Throwing it to the ground, he used the grappler on his left wrist to tie one of the men up. Quickly he drew the blaster pistol and hit the controls to his jet pack. Landing in a tree, he took aim and shot a man through the top of the skull. The shot came out of his back. The other two started shooting at the tree while he jumped to the ground. Fett kicked the legs out from under one man and shot the other in the chest. He reached over and picked up the man next to him by the collar. Fett threw him up against a tree and started to interrogate.


"I don�t know!"

"Then where is your base?"

"It�s just north of here."

Fett turned on the jet pack and started to fly north. The man started to get back up, and Fett shot him directly through the heart.

About five minutes later, Boba Fett came to a clearing in the forest. At the far left corner was some small buildings.

As he got closer the little voice in his helmet came on.

"The building has shields up and you are being targeted by a sniper from the west."

Fett stopped the jet pack and landed in the middle of the field.

"Virtual visor on. Mode heat sensor."

A minute later the virtual visor came down in front of his right eye. As he looked around the field, he came to stop on a red line trying to hide behind a tree. Drawing his blaster, he shot a chunk of the tree off.

The man jumped out and opened fire, then ducked behind another tree.

Fett holstered his gun and activated the flame thrower on his left wrist. He took off running toward the tree. He dove down to the ground, rolled and came up on one knee with the flame thrower torching the tree.

The man with his gun drawn started to shoot at Fett.

Boba got up and started to laugh as the laser bolts scratched and dented his mandelorian chest plate. Then he took the flame thrower and burnt the man to a crisp.

After turning off the flame thrower, Boba started to walk towards the building.

As he thought about how to get through the shields he contacted the ship�s main computer.

"How much time until all the systems are back?"

"37 minutes until all systems are online, sir!"

"I guess I will have to wait then."

After about 40 minutes he recontacted the ship.

"How much longer?"

"All systems are up and running except the hyperdrive. It has about 10 minutes left, sir!"

"Prepare the ship for take off and send it to my location."

He heard the roar of the Slave 1 engines a few minutes later. Slave 1 came over the tree tops. Fett ordered it to open fire on the shield with its ion cannon. Slave 1 came to a stop in front of the shield.

"The shields are down, sir!"

"Land the ship right here and turn on the shields."

Fett went inside the building with his blaster drawn. Once he got in, he noticed the building was empty.

As he looked around he saw what looked like an elevator. So he got in it and pushed the only button in it. It slowly began to go down.

When it got to the bottom, Fett stepped out into a large hangar. Inside, 4 B-Wings, an A-Wing, and a shuttle were parked.

While walking up to the shuttle, he began to hear two men arguing over a price for the stolen plans. Fett decided to pay a visit.

As he walked into the shuttle, he shot the man purchasing the plans.

"Livzark, I suggest that you hand over those plans."

Livzark got up and walked over to the computer on the other side of the ship. He took out a small CD.

"Here! Take it! And take this! It's all the money I have. Just tell them that you killed me or something. Don�t let them know I'm still alive."

Fett took the disk and the money.

"Go stand over there next to that table and I'll try to forget that I let you live. Keep your money. I'm getting three times that from the Empire." He threw the money down. "See ya!"

As Fett got off the elevator, he noticed the doorway was closed but it had been open when he came in.

He drew his blaster and took cover behind the wall. He reached over and pushed the controls.

As the door opened, lasers bolts started to flood the room. He stuck his arm around the corner and shot blindly.

"Computer, fire on the mercenaries!!"

A few minutes later, all went silent.

Once on board, Slave 1 Boba Fett saw the A-Wing take off. He decided to let them go. Then the shuttle went up. Fett turned the ship�s systems on and began to head for space.

Once he got to hyperspace, he decided to look at the plans. He put them in the ship�s computer. On the screen it read 'Tie Interceptor'. It had six guns and was much more powerful than a regular 'Tie Fighter'.

That is when he came out of hyperspace.

After leaving the Denominator with his money, he set off again for 39280 space.

Once he came out of 39280 space, the little light started to blink again. He turned the hologram program on and turned his chair around.

"Yes, this is Boba Fett. What do you want?"

"Do you know who I am?"

"No. And that's probably because you didn�t send a hologram of yourself!"

"This is Lord Darth Vader, you fool!!!"

Fett jumped so that he almost fell out of his chair.

"Yes, you heard me correctly."

A hologram came on in front of Fett.

"Well, what do you want with me?"

"I need you to meet me at the super star destroyer 'Executor'. Here are the coordinates.

Then Vader was gone. Fett set his course for the Executor. And then he was gone.

by Cory Barden