Boba Fett: Bounty on Solo

By Tim Miller

Chapter 1

The day started out as any other day. Boba Fett woke up in the cockpit of the Slave 1.

The swirling images of space and time in hyperspace were dazzling. Fett checked his messages and found one.

Lord Vader had sent him another one. This one was the same as the rest:

Male, 22 , 1.5 meters, goes by the name "Han Solo" Bring him to me alive and sane

Solo. The name rung in Fetts ears.

Years ago on Nar Shaddaa, Fett tracked down Solo. He used a type of nerve poison.

He would have had him if it wasn't for his friend Lando Calrission.

He vowed to track down Solo, but Jabba The Hutt had paid Fett not to kill him, because, "Solo was his best pilot". Jabba dropped the insurance on Solo because he dropped a ton of Glitterstim Spice, the best spice in the galaxy.

Yes, Fett would take pleasure in hunting Solo again. This time, he won't get away.

As Han Solo prepared the hyperdrive in the Millennium Falcon, he said a few choice curse words. The Imperials were on his tail again! He and his partner, the Wookiee Chewbacca, have been on the run for what seemed liked weeks to him.

"They catch you once and they think you always have spice on ya," he said.

This run, one of his biggest yet, meant a lot to Jabba. If he dropped his load he would have a price on his head for sure.

"Chewie, get those guns on line now," Solo ordered.

The Wookiee responded with a growl of disgust. If they didn't fire back soon, they would be gonners.

Han fell to the ground as another blast of turbo-laser hit the aft side of the Falcon. One or two more hits on the side and they will be dead.


The Wookiee growled that he got the gun turrents on line and they're ready to fire.

"Good, start shoot'in at those Imps or we're gonna get fried!"

Han Solo took the controls of the Falcon, and sent her in a rapid spiral down, barely missing the Star Destroyer. He came back up, did a barrel roll, and Chewie started firing the guns.

This isn't going to be easy, he thought as he did a side roll. He started to get a readout from the hyperspace computer. He set the coordinates and punched it.

The stars elongated as the Falcon entered hyperspace.

Jabba better pay good for this cargo, Solo thought.

The hyperspace tracker counted the time left until arrival in the Tatooine System.

Chapter 2

Fett checked his messages again. This time he got one from the Hutt crimelord himself. 10,000 credits on the head of one Han Solo. Alive, and of course, sane.

And he got a message from the bounty hunter Bossk.

Bossk and Fett worked a couple times before. On Ord Mantell they captured the Imperial Slaughter Dok L'bill. Dok worked for the Rebellion against the Empire. Darth Vader paid the two very well for that.

Another time was one the planet Ryolth. A Twi'lek Guard attempted to assassinate his master. Bossk used a proton stunner and got to him before he got to his master.

Bossk has been after the Wookiee Chewbacca for quite a while now. And there is a good reward for him, too.

But this time Fett would do the job himself.

Another message came in, this one from Zuckuss and 4-LOM.

Zuckuss was a Gand who is Force-Sensitive. 4-LOM is his robotic aide.

Boba Fett has worked only once with this couple, and it was not worth a half-credit to do it.

Halfway through hyperspace their coils blew a fuse, and they spent a month reaching a civilized planet.

Fett swore and hit the accelerator.

Darth Vader was in his personal meditation chamber when Lieutenant Brakiss entered.

Brakiss, was chosen by the Emperor himself to join the Imperial navy. He is Force-Sensitive, but not as powerful as Lord Vader.

"My Lord," he began, "The TIE fighters are in pursuit of the Corellian YT-1300 Freighter marked as the Millennium Falcon has just entered hyperspace and is heading a course for a planet called Tatooine. Shall we pursue?"

Vader, with his mechanical breathing, answered the solider, "Yes, head a course for the planet. He won't get away from us this time."

"Yes, My Lord," and with that Brakiss turned and left Vader alone.

While on Tatooine, I'll finish up some old business, Vader thought.

Years ago on Aldera, a Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi almost killed Vader. Vader has sworn to kill him. Kenobi is the last Jedi around who uses the Force for good, the rest were killed in the Clone Wars or by Vader and the Emperor.

Yes, Obi-Wan will pay.

As Han Solo exited hyperspace the first thing he saw was the backwater planet of Tatooine. Tatooine was basically nothing but desert. Thousands of years ago, though, it was nothing but a water planet, but a mysterious force wiped away all the water.

"Jabba better pay good for this, Chewie, or else I won't give it to him."

Chewie growled the equivalent "yeah right" to Han.

"Well what's he gonna do, chase us?" Han asked. "Jabba's so big , he couldn't even lift up his ugly stinkin' tail without any help."

Han plotted a course toward Mos Eisley, the main space port on Tatooine.

He received permission to land in Docking Bay 96.

After the fifteen minutes it took to land the Falcon, he went on his way to visit Jabba.

Chapter 3

Jabba Desilijic Tiure, also known as Jabba The Hutt, did what he did every morning. Eat a big bowl of Nal Hutta Tree Frogs and review the financial report brought to him his majordomo, Bib Fortuna, and his accountant, Tessek.

As he read the report, he sighed a heavy sigh. They lost 2% of the Spice earnings on Ryloth. And it was all because of that rotting Corellian Solo!

Tessek advised him not to worry, but Jabba wouldn't pay any attention to him.

"Two percent now could equal twenty percent in a months time." he told his accountant.

"And then I would not be pleased. You wouldn't want to get upset, now, would you Tessek?"

"Of course not, Your Excellency. Of course not."

"Good," Jabba said.

After he finished the report he went to his stock house. His guards stood at attention full time. If any thing was out of place, someone would be fed to Jabba's new pet Rancor.

After that he had he brunch. Then he would wait in his audience chamber and fill out requests for loans or Spice.

Just before lunchtime, Han Solo walked in to the audience chamber.

"Hello, Jabba."

Han, my boy. Have you brought me my Spice this time?" Jabba asked in his native Huttese tongue.

"Yeah Jabba, I've got the stuff. Does this make us even then?"

Jabba laughed, "You think one load of Spice is going to make us even?"

Jabba's court jester, a little Kowakian Monkey-Lizard named Salacious Crumb mocked the great Hutt. "Even! Even ! Ha, ha ha ha ha!!"

"Han, my boy, you may be the best, but who will employ a dead man?"

"So I guess it doesn't then," Han said.

"Here's the deal, Solo. Bring me the money you lost for me and I'll let you live. Don't, and I'll put a price on your head so big even Boba Fett will be interested in getting it."

That thought made Han shudder. Boba Fett had been after his tail once before and it wasn't very fun. The only reason he escaped was because Lando got to them before he boarded Fett's ship, the Slave I.

"Okay Jabba, you'll get your money. But it's gonna take some time."

"You have two months to get it to me. If not, well I'm sorry my boy."

Han went back to the Falcon where Chewie showed him a list. A list of wanted men from Jabba himself. And Han was on it! Why that low down stink'in space slug, Han thought.

And then Chewie showed him another one. This one was from the Imperials.

"Gheesh Chewie, looks like quite the popular one, huh?"

Han was getting a little hungry, so he and Chewie thought they go to the Cantina for a drink and some grub.

When he entered the Cantina, his eyesight took a little while to adjust. The smoke infested room was darker than a Courscant night. But it had the best drinks in the galaxy.

As the two went to their regular table, they were greeted by all kinds of scum and villainy.

After they ordered their meal, a silence came over the small Cantina.

Good old Ponda Baba and the demented Dr. Evazan were attacking some poor soul. Probably for research, Han thought.

And with that he ate his dinner.

Chapter 4

Boba Fett reached the planet of Coruscant. He was to have a meeting with Darth Vader.

When he reached his palace, the guards told him that he was on a mission by the Emperor himself.

Figures, thought Fett. "Where is he heading to?"

"The Tatooine system, sir".

Fett was already planning a strategy; with Vader and Jabba on the same planet, he could make them bargain for the price of Solo. Of course, Vader would win, one way or another. But if he could get the bounty that high so that Jabba would back off, that's a big bounty indeed.

Fett left the planet in a hurry. He had to get to Tatooine before Vader left the system. With any luck, maybe Solo would be on the planet also.

He entered hyperspace in record time.

Darth Vader sat in his new TIE fighter. He always enjoyed a good space battle.

The TIE fighter was unlike any other that he had seen. The solar wings on the fighter were bent for better maneuvering and speed. Vader requested that his TIE had four Ion engines in it, instead of the regular two.

Admiral Motti entered the hangar bay.

"My Lord, Grand Moff Tarkin whishes to speak to you."

"Upon what matter, Admiral?" Vader asked.

"He said it was personal. Something about project 'Maw.'"

"Thank you, Admiral. I will take the message in my chamber."

Darth Vader turned on his holoprojector. Grand Moff Tarkin was there waiting for Vader.

"Vader, have you read the reports on "Maw?" Tarkin asked.

"Yes, I think this project will spell doom for the Rebels."

Tarkin continued, "And what of the reports of the Rebel spy in the Senate?"

"Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan. She has been seen talking with known Rebels in the last month. She is loyal to the Empire and will serve it to the fullest. She has just received the Corellian Corvette Tantive IV for her services to the Emperor. It is her father that I'm worried about."

"You can continue your search for Bail Organa once you have completed your two tasks from the Emperor. First, you must locate the traitor Delib T'roll, who is on Tatooine as we speak. And second you must supervise the last completions of the 'Maw.'"

"As you wish. Vader out."

The projection faded out and Vader was alone. He would find the traitor, and then he will finish off Kenobi.

Han Solo went off to see Jabba. Although he was extremely mad at the Hutt, he knew that he shouldn't make a Hutt mad. Jabba would throw his hide down to his new pet rancor. Instead, he would offer his services to him again and try to make up for the lost profit.

Chewbaccca stood near the Falcon, fixing a broken stabilizer, when Han yelled out, "Go'in to see Jabba." The Wookiee decided to take a break from working, and went for a walk down the streets of Mos Eisley.

When Han reached Jabba's Palace, he wasn't surprised to find out that he was not there. Bib Fortuna told him that he went to his Mos Eisley safehouse to do some personal business.

"Well, I guess that I will just have to go and see him then."

"I would advise against that, Pilot Solo. Jabba told me not to admit anyone into the house today. He is most displeased with things. Especially with you, Pilot Solo."

"I'll remember that. Thanks."

I don't care where he is; I'm going to see him personally, Han thought to himself as he walked out of the Palace.

Chapter 5

Jabba The Hutt knew that Solo would come and see him. Unfortunately, information leaked out and Solo found out the news that he was about to be terminated.

Twenty minutes passed and then Solo walked in. He was very upset. Jabba knew that in order to keep his best pilot he would have to bargain very well.

"Jabba, you stinkin' little fat slug! How dare you!"

"Why Han, what's wrong, boy?"

"You know darn well what's wrong! You went and put a bounty on my head!"

Jabba laughed, "Ho, ho, ho. Han you know that I'm only doing business. Why do you get so upset with me? If you look at the list, I have placed a wait on your bounty."

"Why you doing that, Jabba?" Han asked.

" Because you're the best smuggler I've got. That's why. I can't afford to lose you to anything."

Jabba knew that Han was his best. Sometimes he would be the only person daring enough to run certain items for him. (Either that or he was just stupid enough, Jabba didn't know.) If Han wouldn't run the items for the crimelord, then he would lose business. And that would not be good for his business.

"Han, my boy. Let's make a deal. If you pay me for the cargo you lost to the Imperials, I will drop the bounty on your head. If you don't, I'll drop the wait and you will be hunted like a Jedi running from Darth Vader. You understand that I'm just doing my job, don't you Han?"

"Yeah, whatever Jabba."

"Good. Now if you will excuse me, I must finish my business before lunch."

And with that Han left the Hutt alone.

You're amazing, Jabba thought as he watched Solo leave the safehouse. He sent a message to Boba Fett telling him not to worry about the change in the Solo bounty, and that he is still free game. After that Jabba was feeling hungry. He decided to eat a dozen mynocks dipped in alcohol.

As Boba Fett began the landing procedures of his personal ship, the Slave I, he remembered when he first purchased the ship.

It was a piece of junk, but to Fett it was a work of art. The Kuat Design Firespray-31 Sublight Patrol and Attack Craft was a unique ship and it suited Fett well.

He remembered saving enough money from his first five bounties to purchase the ship. When he got it there was little additions to it. Now, though, it is fitted with two twin-mounted laser cannons, a concussion missile tube launcher, an ion cannon, a tractor beam projector, and two proton torpedo launchers. He also upgraded the hyperdrive and shield systems in it. But the best item he inserted into the ship was the electronically linked circuitry inside of his helmet, making himself and the Slave I one.

Fett smiled. He hasn't felt happiness in years. He quickly got rid of that feeling and finished the landing procedure. Fett's stomach growled. How long has it been since he's eaten? Days? Weeks? Fett couldn't remember. He decided to go to the Cantina and have a drink and some food.

After the fight with Jabba, Han decided to get something to eat. Of course he went to the Cantina.

Chewie said that he was going to skip lunch and fix the aft turrent gun. Han didn't bother trying to change his mind. Wookiees were very set on what they say.

As Han entered the Cantina, he felt cold, as if he wasn't supposed to be here. He quickly nudged that feeling away and sat at his normal table and ate. He ordered a Corellian steak with Alderaan Ale. The steak was a little too cooked for his taste, but he ate it anyway.

After he finished his meal, Han looked up and just about lost it. It was Fett! And he spotted him. He got up and ran to door, but Fett was on his tail.

I got to get to Chewie, Han thought as he ran past some beggars, or I'm going to be dead!

Boba Fett spotted Han eating his meal. What luck! With any chance he won't even notice me until he sees the barrel of my gun, he thought. Fett waited for him to finish his meal and then he would kill him. But, Han looked up and he saw the fear in his eyes. He got up and ran. Fett knew where he would be going. He was going to meet up with his Wookiee partner at Docking Bay 96. Fett had already planned to reach 96 by a back road.

He got up from his chair and began the chase.

Chapter 6

As Han Solo reached the Millennium Falcon, he looked behind him to see Boba Fett.

"Chewie, get the ship ready! We got company!" Chewbacca had already began the procedures to take off when he saw Han running toward him. Then he saw Fett, and began to double his efforts.

Fett fired his concussion missile and it hit the Falcon in the port shield. Then he fired a tracking device on the ship. If they happened to get away from him, he could track them anywhere.

Han got in the cockpit of the Falcon and began to take off. The flight attendant was warning Solo not to leave, but he didn't listen. He took off in blinding speed.

"Chewie, where we gonna go?" Han asked.

The Wookiee growled a reply.

"Yeah. Set course for 271-36.95. We're going to Corellia. Maybe someone there can help us out, huh?"

Chewie barked a question.

"No, pal. Fett didn't place a tracker on her. This is the Falcon, remember. It can't be traced. Or at least Lando told me. Once we get to Corellia, we'll find him and get some repairs done to her, how about that?"

Chewie growled an affirmative.


Han contacted Jabba and told him he was taking a short vacation. If Jabba got mad, he would just explain that he has about ten weeks of vacation time, and he'll even tell him that he doesn't have to pay him for it, either. That should make him happy, Han thought. He read the hyperspace counter, six more hours left until they reach the Corellian Sector.

Fett watched as the Falcon took off from the docking bay. At least the homing beacon was secure on the ship. He already had determined the layout of their course. They were heading for Solo's home planet, Corellia. And he will be there waiting for him.

When the Millennium Falcon exited hyperspace, Han was excited to see his home again. It's been years since he was here. When he had time to think, he would think of living here again, and what his life was like here. That part he didn't miss very much. As a child, he was forced to become a thief, and a liar. The only family he knew of was his "keeper" Garris Shrike, and his "mother", a Wookiee named Dewlannamapia, who Han called Dewlanna. He lived on a grounded old Corellian Corvette named the Trader's Luck, and never got an education. That hurt him when he signed up for the Imperial Navy. After years on Corellia, he left to the Planet Ylesia, and he worked as a pilot for them until he got enough time in to sign up for the Navy.

Ylesia, Han thought of his life there. He met a beautiful girl there. Her name was Bria. Han loved her once, but time has passed between them. She was a "pilgrim" at the planet. What they did was pure evil. A Hutt crimelord Zavval made up the idea of the sanctuary, a place where all could come. He also got a race of aliens called the t'landa Til, which had a special power, they could generate a feeling of happiness and joy toward people. They used this as a scheme. The Til would use their power, as they would preach, telling everyone about the One and the All. They called this the Exaltation, and it overcame the "pilgrims," and they would do whatever they were told to do. They were all used to mine Glitterstim Spice, which was very dangerous. When they become experts, they would sell them to people as slaves. Han and Bria and a friend of Han, Murrgh, stopped the t'landa Til and destroyed the sanctuary. But Han found out they rebuilt it and made over six more. Han wished he could have killed them.

Chewie growled and woke Han out of his trance. The flight attendant gave Han permission to land.

When Chewie asked him what was wrong, he just answered "not'in," and went back to work.

After landing on Corellia, Han went for a walk down the streets. He passed the old street where the Luck used to be. Instead of walking past it, he went up to it. He bent down and picked up a rock, and threw it. Then another, and another.

"You rotting Nerf, Shrike. Thank the Minions of Xendor you're dead, or else I would kill you."

Han remembered when Garris had chased Han down the alleys of Coruscant while he was in boot camp. He would have died if it wasn't for a bounty hunter. He went to kill Solo, but he missed and hit Shrike. Although Garris was the only thing close to a father to Han, he wished he hadn't meet him. He picked up Han on the Streets of Corellia, and took him as his own. Just like all the other poor kids, he was forced to become a thief.

As Darth Vader stood on the bridge of the Star Destroyer, he felt through the Force, and found nothing of Kenobi. He is alive, Vader thought. He must be using a block of some kind. When I find him, I'll destroy him. He will pay for what he did to me.

"My Lord, are you ready to depart to Tatooine?" the officer asked.

"Yes. Start the preparations of my TIE Fighter, and see to it personally. If anything goes wrong, you will pay for it, understand?"

"Yes, my Lord. Of course," the officer replied with a shaky voice.

When Vader landed on Tatooine, he searched through the currents of the Force, and still found nothing. Could he be dead? After all these years, could he be dead? Vader was in anger, how dare he not get his revenge of Kenobi! Then something hit him like a ton of rocks. He felt Kenobi's presence, and it was close. He was tempted to abort his first mission, and track down the old Jedi, but he knew that he master would be most displeased with him.

In time Obi-Wan, you will face my lightsaber, and it will destroy you.

Boba Fett watched Solo and his companion as they landed the Falcon. If they only knew that I'm here, he thought. He landed over an hour before Solo got there and he was tracking every move they made. Right now they are heading to get some food. Probably after that they will walk around and find a place to stay. That is when Fett will strike. He had it all planned. First, he'll stun Solo, then he'll kill the Wookiee. After that, he'll take Han to Jabba. Then he'll take him to Darth Vader. And whoever pays the most, gets Solo. Yes, Fett had it all planned out. He will certainly make out in this hunt. He went outside of the Slave I and saw the indescribable shape of the Hound's Tooth. The Hound belonged to the bounty hunter Bossk. If he spots Solo, he's going to try to make a deal with me, Fett thought as he watched Bossk walk toward him.

"Greeting, Fett. May the Scorekeeper bring you luck on your next hunt," Bossk said.

"Thank you. May the Scorekeeper give you extra points on your altar for your kindness," Fett said, completing the Trandoshan greeting ceremony.

"Have you heard of Solo and his Wookiee companion lately, Fett?" Bossk asked.

"No, I'm on Imperial time now. I'm hunting a rebel spy that Vader wants alive for his collection," Fett answered, lying through his teeth.

"Soon, good Fett, Solo will die and his companion will be mine to give to the Scorekeeper. She likes Wookiee blood the best you know."

"I bet she does," Fett acknowledged. And with that he left in search of Solo.

As Han walked out the bar where he used to hang out, he recalled old memories. He remembered what his life was like before he went to the Imperial Navy, and what it was like now. He cursed to himself. He never got to be the famous pilot in the Navy. Instead, he lost his ranks because of moral rights. He remembered the night when he was with Commander Nyklas to supervise the new crew of Wookiee laborers assigned to complete the new part of the Imperial Hall of Heroes. When Chewbacca went on a rampage, he was sentenced to be terminated. Han knew what the Commander was going to ask him to do, and he knew that he couldn't do it. He couldn't kill an innocent person, or an alien. When Nyklas told him to fire upon the Wookiee, Han basically refused. He knew what was going to happen to him then. Nyklas threw a fit, ordering him to destroy the Wookiee, but Han still refused. That was when Nyklas stripped him from his rank as Lieutenant and banished him from the Imperial Navy. He got away with the help of Chewbacca, and since that very day, Chewie has sworn a "life debt" to Han for saving his life.

When he turned a corner, he found trouble. A gang of some sort was beating up a little kid, about fifteen years old.

"Hey! What do ya think you're doing there, punks!" Han ordered.

"None of your stink'in business, mynock bait," One of the gang members answered.

"I think it is my business. Let the boy go. Now."

The gang laughed. Then the leader spoke out, "You want to start with the League of Corellia?"

"No. You let the boy go, and I won't have to mess you up. Understand?"

The leader laughed. "Get this boys, the scruff thinks he can beat us up! Let me tell you something, bum. We own Corellia. You can't get past us without us knowing about it."

"Even spice?" Han asked.

"Yeah. Even spice."

Han laughed. "Boy, I've been running spice to here almost five years now."

"Sure you have. And I'm a Solo."

Han went for the boy. "What do you know about the Solo's? Huh? Tell me!"

"Okay. All I know is that Thracken is growing in the world. He helps us out with weapons and stuff like that."

"Take me to him," Han said.


"Han looked behind him. "Come on, Chewie. Quit hiding in the shadows."

Chewbacca came out of his hiding space, and the leader of the gang screamed.

"Where do you get that thing?" he asked.

"I got Chewie many years ago. He is not a thing. Got it!"

"Yes sir."

There was absolute silence until they reached the house.

Chapter 7

Bossk stared at his view screen and cursed Fett. He lied to him. He was chasing Solo for Jabba and Vader. He will pay for this, he said to himself. He called up Zuckuss and 4-LOM. 4-LOM answered on the COM link. "This is this is the Mist Hunter. What is it that you need from us?"

"This is Bossk, 4-LOM. I want to talk to Zuckuss. Now."

"I'm sorry, Bossk. Zuckuss is in deep meditation and cannot be disturbed at this time. I shall inform him that you called."

"It's about Solo. And Boba Fett."

The silvery droid answered back to him, "I shall wake him up immediately."

Two minutes passed and then Zuckuss appeared on the monitor. "Bossk. How can I help you?"

"Fett is going to capture Solo if we don't do something about it. Can you two help me?"

Zuckuss thought about it for a minute. "What is in it for us, Bossk?"

"A quarter of the bounty on Solo."

"No. Half the price on his head."

"Fine. Half the bounty, plus expenses."

"Deal," The Gand replied.

After that he called up another bounty hunter. IG-88, the Phultroid assassin droid. The Holowan Laboratories "friendly people" built him. He is the most destructive droid ever created. When he was built, he destroyed everyone in the building that he was made in. He is equipped with surround sensors and rotating guns. He is made of solid Titanium-alloy and is basically indestructible.

He answered immediately to the call. "IG-88 here. How may I be of service?"

"88, this is Bossk. I require your assistance. Boba Fett is tracking down Han Solo and he may capture him. The reward is very high and I'm willing to share it with you."

The droid replied, "I'm sorry, Bossk. But I'm after Solo for myself. I am already preparing to leave to Corellia in the IG-2000. Perhaps we will see each other there. IG-88 out."

Curse him! He's going after Solo on his own. He won't get him though. Not the way Solo is.

Bossk was tempted to call up Dengar, but he knew that he wouldn't cross Fett.

It was up to him, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM to stop Fett from getting Solo. And time was running out.

Fett was tracking Solo very well. He knew that once he set foot in Thracken Sal-Solo's house he would be as good as dead. When Fett first started out, Sal-Solo offered him a job. When the job was finished, he told him that if he ever met up with his cousin, to contact him. Thracken agreed to the term. Now it was only a matter of time.

Fett took some time to look at some artifacts of Corellia. The old planet was rich in many things, but its history is the biggest of them all. Some say that Corellia and its sister planets were man made, and huge engines inside the planet brought them here. Fett laughed at the idea. Nothing could create a planet, no matter how advanced it was.

He continued to follow Solo and the gang until they reached Thracken's house. Fett remembered when he first met Thracken. He was impressed at how much him and Solo looked the same. At first he didn't believe that he was whom he said, and was tempted to kill him.

Fett set up his camp and waited for the call from Thracken.

Thracken Sal-Solo watched as his cousin entered his house. It has been years since they last met. Thracken remembered when he used to live with him, before he got the idea of leaving and becoming a pilot in the Navy. He never liked Han. In fact, he hated him with a passion. But he is blood related, and that means everything on Corellia. When he entered he greeted him. "Cousin Han! How have you been?

Where have you been all these years? Are you here to stay?"

"Hi cousin. I'm here while the Falcon gets repaired. Your punks were beating up on some poor kid. What's up with that?"

"Han, this is a business. I lend money out and they pay me back. If they don't, then I have to use force. You understand, don't you?"

"Yeah. Jabba does the same thing."

Thracken smiled, "So you're working for a Hutt. My cousin is a smuggler. And a pirate. You are very famous here, cousin. Running behind the Imperials, always one step ahead of them. Or so the saying goes."

Han replied with a cocky grin, "Well, you know me. I'm a Solo."

"Yes you are. Now please come in. You must be hungry. And please invite your friend in also."

Han replied, "Come on, Chewie. Let's eat."

When Han and the Wookiee turned a corner, Thracken made a call.

"He's here."

"I know," the man replied.

"How soon can you take care of him?"

The voice replied, "After he eats."

When Vader finished off the Rebel spy, he quickly began to search for Kenobi. It has been years since he had a good hunt. Obi-Wan knew that Vader was near. He felt his presence through the Force. As he walked down the streets of Mos Eisley, people ran away from him. The vision of the Dark Lord of Sith made many people cower in their footsteps. The dark suit that he wore bore was equipped with a respirator so he could breathe. Kenobi did that to him on Aldera. He searched the area and found nothing of Kenobi.

Then it occurred to him, if Vader sensed Obi-Wan, then could Kenobi have sensed him?

Vader quickly dropped that idea. The Dark Side of the Force was ten times stronger than the Light. Only one with the Dark Side could sense the presence of someone. Or that is what the Emperor had told him.

He quickly decided to leave the town and search the outskirts of town, and then head on toward Anchorhead.

Han Solo sat down and began to eat his meal. His cousin prepared him a Corellian steak, which was his favorite. And he cooked it just how he likes it, rare and juicy.

"So, dear cousin, how is your steak?" Thracken asked him.

"Just fine," Han answered back.

"Han, I got a surprise for you. You always wanted to know what your family was like, so I think it is time to tell you about them."

Han grew excited. He didn't know much about his real family. "Really. What were they like?" he asked eagerly.

"Now hold on, dear cousin. First, I want you to meet someone."

Han grew excited. Maybe it was his father, or his mother, or someone like that?

Then Thracken's face changed into pure evil. Han turned his head and his face turned into fear. It was Fett! Thracken betrayed him.

"Mr. Fett has an appointment with you, cousin. I hope that you enjoy it."

"You stink'in little Nerf!" Han started to say when he got hit with a stun bolt. All you could hear from Han's mouth was "Youuu stttttt�Neeeerrrrffff!" Then he hit the floor. Chewbacca stood in rage and he was hit as well. With a tremendous thud he crashed on the ground.

"There you go, Fett. Good luck with them," Thracken told the bounty hunter.

"Thank you Sal-Solo. I hereby consider your debt paid to me. Now tell your thugs to load up my prey in the Slave I. And tell them to be careful."

"As you wish," Thracken said with a wide grin on him.

When Fett left with Han and Chewie tied up to a repulsor sled, he remembered when him and his cousin were friends.

As Boba Fett loaded the stunned bounties of Solo and the Wookiee he prepared to ship off to Jabba the Hutt. After that he would keep the two and go to Darth Vader.

When he reached the Slave I he got a surprise.

Bossk, Zuckuss, 4-LOM and IG-88 stood at the entrance of the ship, with their blasters aimed at Fett's face.

"Fett, this is your last chance. Give us Solo and Chewbacca and you won't die," Bossk ordered.

Then IG-88 spoke, "Fett, give me Solo and you will have a 74% chance of surviving this encounter."

"I think that you don't know me very well," Fett said. He turned and fired a blaster shot at Bossk, just barely missing him. "You know I could hit you in a heartbeat, Bossk. So don't try nothing funny."

"Dear Fett," Bossk started to say, "I just think that you have a big bounty. A bounty that is too big for just one person, surely you can share it with us."

Just then Solo started to wake up. He noticed that he was tied up and got his pocketknife out of his vest pocket. When he heard Chewbacca waking up, he started to free himself.

"Listen up Fett, we're taking Solo no matter what you say," Bossk said in an angry hiss. "And there is nothing you're going to do about it."

When Han finally figured out what was going on, he started to speak. But all you heard was mumbling. His voice box was still effected by the stun blast.

"Please listen to us, Hunter Fett," Zuckuss started to say.

"I don't need to listen to any of this. Nobody is getting Solo, and that's that."

Bossk answered with a snarl, "That's what you think, Fett." He raised his blaster at Fett's head.

Fett turned and fired his blaster at the roof of the building. The tiles started to fall, and dust was covering the floor. Fett then ran toward his ship. He got halfway there and noticed that Solo wasn't where he left him. Instead he found a knife and some cut up ropes.

Fett swore out loud. He did it to him again! Fett got in his ship and prepared to take off. With any luck he will find Solo before he leaves the planet.

Han and Chewie got to the Falcon in no time. Immediately they started to get off the planet.

"With any luck we should get away from Fett this time." Han told his friend.

When they reached the outer atmosphere of Corellia, Han started the navicomputer to set course to Nal Hutta, the Hutt home planet.

Just when the navicomputer computed a course to the planet, the Slave I was preparing to strike the Falcon. Han yelled at Chewie to get to the gun turrents and start firing. When Chewie growled that he was ready, Han took the controls of the Falcon. He did a side-to-side barrel roll, and then he executed a right flank, just missing the Slave I. Han swore out loud, but kept going. If he would slow down Fett would catch up with him.

Boba Fett watched as the Falcon showed off its moves. Fett calculated its next move and went for an intercept course. When the Falcon did a left speed shift, Fett was ready and was firing his guns at the ship. The next thing Fett saw was a fiery explosion on the hull of the Falcon.

Han was moving with the greatest of ease until he did the left speed shift. That's when he saw the Slave I ready for him. Han went to swerve, but he was already hit. The warning light came on, telling him that the hull of the ship was going to tear apart if it got hit again. Han switched over to the autopilot and began to prepare the ship for the jump to hyperspace. When the ship was ready to make the jump, it lurched as if it didn't want to go to hyperspace. Great, Han thought as the ship was making the awful sound. He slammed his hand on the control panel and the Falcon went soaring into hyperspace.

Fett watched as the ship flew away, and he quickly estimated its course. He set his own course to Nar Shaddaa, the moon that revolves around Nal Hutta.

Chapter 8

As Darth Vader moved in on the adobe hut of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he took his lightsaber of his belt and ignited it. The red blade glowed very brightly in the dark Tatooine sky.

Vader searched through the Force, trying to locate Kenobi. Still, he could not find a trace of him. After all his searching he still couldn't find any trace of him. After all these years Vader could not believe that he was dead. The emperor had promised him that he would kill Obi-Wan. The emperor had foreseen that in a recent vision.

Leaving with anger, Vader left the hut and went to his ship and left to finish the "Maw" project.


As Han Solo reached the planet of Ord Mantell, he thought of reaching Lando and telling him that he wanted the Falcon's hyperdrive fixed ASAP, but Lando would just complain that he is very busy and he can't do it for a while.

When traffic control gave Han permission to land, he did as he was told. Ord Mantell was a picky place to land a ship. They had over a thousand customs check and they took any firearms when you arrive on planet.

When Han went to put the Falcon's landing gear down, the ship's system lurched and groaned.

Han quickly went to check on the land system, only to find it destroyed by the turbo laser fire on the Slave I.

Han quickly put the system on manual and landed the Falcon without any trouble.

His next plan was to find a computer terminal and contact Jabba to tell him where he is.


Jabba The Hutt was enraged. How could Solo still be alive! Fett should have killed him twenty times by now. Solo contacted him only ten minutes ago and he has already fed five of his prisoners to his pet rancor. Bib Fortuna stood beside his master trying to calm him down. "Your Excellency, maybe Mr. Fett is only playing games with him. He does enjoy a good hunt."

"Well, you are right. But contact him and tell him to finish off Solo or I'll fire him myself. He may be the best, but I don't need him around my presence."

"As you wish, My Lord." Fortuna answered and left with a low bow.

When Bib left, Jabba felt like feeding another person to the rancor. But his personal droid informed him that he was to contact Nal Hutta immediately. He left his main audience chamber and went to his personal computer system to make the call.


Han thought of telling off Jabba The Hutt, but since he was in it deep to begin with he kept his mouth shut. After all that he has been through the last few days, he figured that he shouldn't get involved with that slimy slug anyway.

Chewie came up to him with a smile on his face and told him that Lando was here and he could work on the Falcon now.

Finally, Han thought, as he got up and left the table to meet with his old friend.

It only took a few minutes to decide what was wrong with the Falcon this time.

"Well buddy, you've got a minor flux in your power converter and a short fuse in the hyperdrive system. Not to mention that the landing gear is shot to heck. We'e talking about five thousand credits," Lando told Han.

Lando Calrissian had been friends with Han for years. After Han left the Imperial navy, he was forced to become a smuggler and a pirate. It was Lando who taught him the tricks of the trade. Lando has always tried to get a few credits out of people, and his ship repair yard was doing very well at it.

"Come on. Lando, it's me. We can work this out. What do you say? How about three thousand?"

"Sorry Han. I've been scratched for credits lately. I'll drop it down to four."

"Deal," Han said dryly.

"Now, how have you been, you bum?" And the three walked down to his shop.

Chapter 9

When Boba Fett stepped out of the Slave I he was greeted by a fellow bounty hunter.

"Hello Fett."

"Hi Dengar," Fett replied in his monotone voice.

"So what do you need my help with?" Dengar asked.

"I'm tracking down Solo. I know what he did to you and I know you want him bad. Other hunters are after me and if they catch him and the Wookiee first, Jabba won't pay up. Not to mention the price that Vader has on the two. We could be set for a while. So I'll make a deal with you and split the price with you."

"Sounds good, Fett. But who gets the pleasure of hurting Solo?"

Years ago on Corellia, Han and Dengar were best friends. That was until a swoop race was held in their hometown. The payoff was huge and they both need money so they could get off planet. When the race began, Han and Dengar were in the lead. They were head-to-head and the finishing line was coming up. That's when Han pushed Dengar off his swoop into the grass of razors. The grass of razors was a field in Corellia where the grass was so sharp; it was know to cut off people's heads. Dengar fell into the grass and suffered severe head injuries. Imperial surgeons repaired him, only to make him pure evil. They cut his head open and removed all the parts of his emotions that were good, leaving him anger and revenge. After that he moved on to become a bounty hunter. And he has promised himself that he would get even with Solo. After a long pause Fett replied to Dengar, "You can."


As Han and Lando walked along the streets of Ord Mantell, they caught up with each other.

"So you're telling me that you were involved in the Battle of Tannab?"

"You got that right, Han old pal. We did pretty good, too." Lando replied sticking his chest out proudly. "They even gave me an award."

"So how's business going?" Han asked.

"Pretty good. Fixing things here, buying stuff there. Always occupied, that's for sure. So I heard that you were being chased down by the best bounty hunters in the Galaxy."

Han grinned. "Yeah. Chewie and me are always one step in front of them. If it wasn't for the Falcon I'd be sitting in Mos Eisley right now and Jabba wouldn't be mad at me."

Lando laughed. "I guess you're right, Han. I'll drop the price down to three and a half to fix the Falcon. And I'll give you some info. Fett is on Nar Shaddaa. Pretty soon he is going to find out where you are and then he'll be here. Here's the key to my house. You and Chewie stay there until I get your ship fixed, okay."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks a lot, buddy."

"Don't mention it Han. I owe you one anyway."

It did not take long to reach Ord Mantell, and when they did the whole planet knew of their arrival.

And it did not take long to reach Han and Chewie.

Han burst threw the doors yelling to Lando, "I don't know what you did to her, just help me get out of here!"

"Whoa, listen by the time they find you you're gonna be five parsecs away from here." Then a harsh voice came from behind the Falcon, "Perhaps I can be of assistance."

"Dash!" they all yelled at once.

Dash Rendar, fellow smuggler and pirate who worked freelance, stood at the boarding ramp of the Falcon, watching the two screaming at each other and he was laughing out loud.

"How ya doin', Bantha dung?" Han asked the pirate.

"Pretty good, Mynock slime." Dash replied.

Dash continued to talk, " Listen if you need help from me just ask. I still owe you one. Besides I want to show off my new ship, the Outrider. It's a Corellian YT-2400, hot off the presses. And it's just calling out for adventure."

"Okay," Han said "Here's the plan. I'm going to need a diversion so I can get off this planet and into hyperspace. Remember, this time it's Fett and Dengar who's tracking me down. Maybe if our luck gets any better 4-LOM and Zuckuss will come after me also. Heck, maybe even the Imperial fleet will be here also."

Dash replied, "That's not funny Solo. The Imperial fleet is in a combat situation in the next sector. And let's not forget that they're after my hide too."

"Right. Lando can you set up any type of diversion for me?"

"Sure thing buddy. I'll fly an old Incom T-11 hypership out of here illegally to get the police to chase after me while you make your escape."

Han replied, "Thanks pal."

Dash then spoke out, "Well, I hate to burst your balloon, but we gotta go now if we want to pull this stunt off."

"Then let's go. Ready Chewie?"

Chewie growled a big affirmative and got into the cockpit of the Falcon.

Han soon replied, "Then what are we waiting for?"

Chapter 10

Boba Fett and Dengar were well aware that Solo knew that they were on planet. It was all part of Fett's brilliant plan. With the Falcon in bad damage, he would simply destroy the ship in space.

Dengar watched the computer waiting for the Falcon to take off into hyperspace.

But all he saw was an old T-11 taking off without permission. Soon the officials were chasing him into the higher atmosphere. That's when it all happened. A newer Corellian ship shot out past them jamming their sensors, and blocking their view. Fett stood up and swore. Dengar was confused, but soon he realized what was going on. Solo was planning an escape! Dengar got up but the force of the liftoff soon knocked him down.

Fett was ripping mad now. He just couldn't figure out why he can't capture Solo. He readied his tractor beam and missile launchers. This is going to be the day, Fett said to himself. By now he figured Solo was planning a hyperspace jump.

Fett fired at the Outrider, taking out its back shield deflectors on the second hit. He saw the Incom ship and just shot at its engines, paralyzing it immediately.

"Han, this is Lando. I've done all I can. Fett's taken out my sublight engine. Sorry I couldn't do any more for you, pal."

"Han, this is Dash. Make a run for the Imperials in the next sector. Fett would be a fool to chase us into there."

Han was running out of ideas and Dash's sounded pretty good right at the moment. But the Imps wanted them both. But he had one last idea up his sleeve to pull on Fett.

"Chewie, ready the power couplings."


Fett was soaring through space almost catching up with the Falcon, when Han and Dash decided to fly right into the Imperial training zone. Immediately TIE fighters came to investigate the matter of the two Corellian ships. They were greeted with a round of blaster fire from the two smugglers.

Fett didn't want to go into the fray, but he had to have Solo. He needed Solo! He looked over at Dengar, who was knocked out by the takeoff. Yes, he had to have Solo. He readied an intercept course for the Falcon.

When Han saw the Slave I coming into attack, he cursed himself. Fett was out for blood, and he was going crazy for it. "Hey Dash, we got a problem."

"I see him. Don't worry. I'll take care of him."

Dash took off for an intercept against the Slave I. A barrage of turbo-laser fire greeted him. The Outrider did a remarkable sink-slide maneuver to deflect most of the shots. He was hit badly, but he kept going.

Han swore again. He couldn't let Dash get killed. He prepared to intercept the two feuding ships.

As the Millennium Falcon screamed across the fake battle into the real one, he yelled at Chewbacca one more time about the couplings. Chewie growled an affirmative to the question.

Han set a pinpoint intercept course to the Slave I. He would have to pull this on off big time make it right.

And he did. He flew right between the Outrider and the Slave I. He contacted Dash "Get out of here now." He told him but Dash wouldn't listen; he kept firing at Fett's ship. But Fett retaliated, almost destroying his main power generator. Dash finally backed off but he refused to leave. That's when Han Solo sent his message to the Outrider. Dash received it and followed his instructions to the dot.

Fett watched as Solo came streaking through space to rescue his friend. He set his tractor beam on high. He wasn't going to let Solo get away this time. Then the newer of the two ships took off, leaving only poor Solo. Fett fired his beam, hitting the Falcon in the sublight engines. It took only a few seconds for the tractor beam to set, and then Solo was captured. Fett began ship-to-ship docking procedures with the Falcon.

Then out of nowhere, the Outrider came streaking threw the beam, loosening its grip on Solo's ship. Then he came around for another pass, only this time he shot at the beam. The explosion shook the Slave I and his alarms went off one at a time. Fett fired at the ship but missed. His trajectory sensors were destroyed by the last hit.

Then the Outrider shot a concussion missile and the beam. Only it was going toward the Falcon. Fett knew what would happen to the ship. He tried to let go of the Falcon, but it was too late.

The ship exploded!

The Slave I was knocked out of its path and sent spiraling through space. When he reached the site, all he found was pieces of the Falcon. He looked to find the Outrider, and found only hyperspace ashes of it.

Fett lost.

Solo was gone.

Jabba will not be happy with me, Fett thought as the fought to regain control of the ship's controls. It would take an estimated three weeks to fix the Slave I. He prepared to go back down to Ord Mantell.

Chapter 11

I can't believe I did that, Dash Rendar thought as he shot at the Falcon. But Han told him to do it.

He set course to Tatooine as he was instructed to do.

And there to greet him was Han Solo!

"What? How? But you�"

"Thought I died, didn't you, Rendar?" a cocky Solo said to him, smiling.

"How did you pull that one off?"

Han laughed. "It's quite easy if you think of it. Fett had me trapped on my sublight engines. So when you shot at me I dumped my old power couplings and punched it for Tatooine. What Fett saw was the couplings being destroyed and spare parts of the Falcon that I threw out there for him to see."

"So he thinks you're dead. What will he do when he sees you again?" Dash asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll stay incognito for a while and let the rumors fly that I died. Now how about I buy you a drink?"


Two months after the battle, Fett heard that he was still alive. He learned of his little maneuver. And he was furious with himself. He should have known that Solo wouldn't die that easy. Now Fett had one goal in life: To capture Han Solo and make him pay for what he has done.


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