Second Bounty (part 2)

By Vonce

On board the Super-Star Destroyer Executer, an officer approached Darth Vader. He addressed Vader, although he was not prompted to do so.

"Lord Vader, the bounty hunter Boba Fett has sent us the location of a number of ships containing Rebel troops, a number of whom have some form of vital information. There are 17 transport ships and Boba Fett's 2 ships: Slave I and Slave II. We are going to intercept the ships and return Fett his ships on the planet Kessel."

Darth Vader turned to the officer. "How many soldiers are there?"

"Over 100, Lord Vader."

"And we are to deliver his ships to Kessel, and then have our troops return in a transport?"

"Yes Lord Vader."

"Intercept the ships, and take prisoners. Then set a course for Kessel. There are bound to be more Rebels there, and Fett will no doubt capture them for profit."

"Yes Lord Vader." The officer left, and Darth Vader turned around.

Slave I:

The Rebels tried to radio a near-by base. After they figured out how to use the coms system on Slave I, they began transmission.

"This Slave I."

"Slave I, have you killed Thon?"

"Actually, we are Rebels, not Boba Fett."

"In that case, transmit clearence code." He typed a few keys on the computer. "Alright, what happened?"

"Boba Fett killed Thon, and then sent us off on his ships and some transports. The rest of us are still on Kessel. There are hundreds. We are currently headed to the base."

"We are sending support to Kessel now."

The transmission ended. The soldiers set the computer's course for the base, but didn't use hyper-space, because the transports had to maintain visual contact. After about 5 minutes, although still close to the planet Kessel, the Rebels felt safe. Until the computers picked up vehicles coming out of hyper space. As they looked, the Executer apeared, and dozens of TIE Interceptors, Fighters, and Bombers flew out. Escape was not an option. A radio transmission was sent.

"Attention Rebels: You have no chance of escape. If you dock aboard the Executer and follow orders peacfully, you will not be harmed, if not, you will be taken by force. You have three minutes to decide." Static.

Just then, fleets of Rebel fighters and transports came out of hyperspace. First, it was just a single X-Wing, which after putting up a fight, was destroyed. Then the whole squadron appeared. A massive battle ensued. In the chaos, the Slave I and II were captured, and they were sent off to Kessel with an Imperial transport.


Able to see the battle thru the Slave I's cameras, Boba Fett knew he would soon be paid.

Not wanting to alert the Rebels, he said, "Help is on the way," which was not entirly false, he knew the Rebel transports were coming. In fact, a Rebel transport was the first ship to land on Kessel. Boba Fett approached it. A soldier carrying a briefcase exited the craft and walked up to Boba Fett.

"Here is your fee for killing Thon, and some extra for freeing the Rebel captives. Boba Fett took the briefcase. The man was just about to move some of the troops onto the ship when it exploded. Everyone looked up to see the Slave I and II, an Imperial transport, and two TIE Fighters.

The ships landed, and Stormtroopers errupted from all of them. One trooper, holding another briefcase, handed it to Boba Fett, who promply left in the Slave I, Slave II following.

As Boba Fett left the area, both sides turned their attention to the battle on Kessel, and the troops hanging in the balance...

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