Monster City
The story for Monster City is set in Tokyo, 10 years after monstrous earthquakes tore apart it's center. These earthquakes were caused by evil demons who look set to open a portal to another dimension, unleashing more powerful monsters. Only one man can save earth; Guyver! No, wait, he's not here. He could easily have anyone in this film. Instead, you have a bloke with a stick. And a bloody powerful stick it is too. Anyway, he, along with an "english" girl (posh accent) who does practically nothing, must find and kill Rebby Ra (damn these wierd names!) and stop him opening up the portal. The one thing I want to know is how come this bloke can kill all the evil demons with just a stick? It's impossible! And then, at the end, he falls down something like 20 floors, lands on his head (he's OK mind), finds a more powerful stick, and then climbs all the way back up, in a matter of minutes! The film itself is quite entertaining, with enough thrills and action to keep you sufficiently entertained. However, I'd advise you to buy this film along with Wicked City, as you can get both on 1 tape, and together they make quite a team.
Rating [[[ & 1/2