A Blend of Instant HS and NavHS:

By David O.

Hyperspace proposal for mixing InstHS and NavHS:

When I first got Elite for my C=64, and read about the Thargoids waiting in witch-space, my mind began wandering about how I could have InstHS, and the Thargoids could have NavHS. This is my model of how the two systems exist and interact

What is hyperspace:

How the HS engines were developed:

The future? Humans and Thargoids use the same dimension for travel, as has been verified by witch-space travel between the two species. But are there more. This model only requires five dimensions. But if there are six there are more questions. Can you achive further speed by shifting in both of the extra dimensions? If you are chasing someone, you have to know which of the two extra dimensions they shifted through. With more dimensions, more travel possibilities are available, though more programming work (how much can two ships interract with each other)

Hyperspace clouds - (or else we lose our analyzers) shifting through another dimension requires a temporary "redefinition" of the traditional four dimensions. This local "redefinition" causes rips along the lines bordering standards and redefined space. Space does readjust, but the lack of complete coherence can be seen as light from all the other "spheres of existence" and their stellar bodies focusing through the holes being repaired.

This also allows for cheaper and/or damagaged analyzers. Maybe a portion is not working. Maybe you don't care how powerful the engine is. Maybe you feel so sure that you can take any ship, you don't care how big the ship. Maybe you feel you know this section of space so well, that if you know the distance you can use the limited number of stars that distance and guess which one it is.



Time: Time moves normally.

Why not parallel universes Primarily, space of mapping in the game and time of programming other universes. But really, here are some possibilites.


Types and Classes of hyperdrives The first type of drives just go the acidentally discovered direction and only allow InstHS. Anything above has been tuned to go a more efficient direction and only allow InstHS. The better the type (Comsumer < Commercial < Industrial < Military) the more fine tuned the diretion. The next type of drives allow direction to be changed so one can enter NavHS. The Class of drive is how far "down" the ship goes. The better the class the further it can go in one jump, but the more fuel it requires.

Why you can�t exit next to a planet See the section labelled Travel

Why your hyperdrive won't work in an atmosphere Government regulation to protect those land lovers.

Hyperspace travel with jump-gates Jump gates could certainly be allowed. The Thargoid inspired weapon of dragging someone unwillingly into witchspace is just a small version of this. In this case, the unwilling ship asked to be dragged through.

Hyperdrives as weapons discussed in weapons.

Faster than Light Communication:

Pros: Allows InstHS and NavHS to both be present without interfering with eachother; Explains what hyperspace is; Provides some history; Allows for possible expansion into other types of hyperspace travel so that as the NavHS lanes fill up, there is somewhere else to go; Allows for the possibility of having more than one universe, but does not require it; Explains hyperspace clouds and coloring; Explains misjumps; Explains why you must jump in far from a planet; Explains time in hyperspace; Allows for the classic Thargoid method of ambush; Explains the types and classes of hyperdrives; explains why you can't hyperdrive in atmosphere; explains jump-gates;Allows for FTL communciation but does not require it;

Cons: Allows all weapons; allows for a method of cloaking (though useless if new equipment is developed to look into the other planes);

Conclusion: The Elite for the Commodore 64 mixed InstHS and NavHS. Though confusing a model can be built upon it allowing both to coexist without interfering with eachother. The model I found that works like this is the onion model. If you are a microbe on the surface of an onion and you need to get somewhere else on the onion, you can either crawl till you get there. You can also dig down into the onion, crawl a smaller distance, and dig back up.

The two types of Hyperspace can work because they are affected two types of travel are handled by how deep you dig into the onion.

The two systems don't interfere because: If you are NavHS and InstHS goes through, NavHS is bent around a tunnel and you aren't even aware of it If you are InstHS and someone is waiting to ambush you, you are not in NavHS for even a complete second, making the ambush useless. This allows the safety of InstHS for most flight, but the control and expoloration of NavHS for special missions or personal preference.

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