The Limelan

By Marksman

I wish to introduce to TEP new race, Limelan. I do know that many members of TEP don�t want new powers, therefore I don�t want Limelans to be a superpower like Thargoids, but rather another place to visit. Another trade opportunity, race whose trade requirements will be different, new face. May be some more technologies. Anyway here it goes...Feel free to add... Limelan.

Looks: Humanoid race , somewhat reminding elves. Fragile bones, large eyes. They are skinny, have chocolate skin. They have very little blond hair, more like fur. There is possibility that Limelan are actually human splinter race adapted to new environment.

Homeworld: Achenah'a, desert planet. Surface temperature: 70c. Agriculture is nearly impossible.

Politics: Limelan have four colony systems. Their main interest is trade and exploration. They have oligarchy, government ruled by council of aristocrats... In order to become aristocrat you supposed to have at least one big trading cruiser, and own couple of factories or hydroponic farms. In order to become member of council you should own water storage facility. with certain amount of water... The more water you have, more voices you have. Nowadays when water became less needed product thanks to space exploration, water is stored in compressed form in solid cubes(not water, but actually substance which becomes one in reaction with cheap chemical found anywhere on Achenah'a... This cubes of water are inserted into precious stones, and stored. So the one who have more such stones along with regular water, rules the council.

Technology: Because of their desert homeworld, Limelans have advanced great deal in shield technology, usage of solar energy, and focusing of light. Their ship use solar wind, using, solar energy repelling shields, as sails. Those work as feedback. Photons, repelled by shields, are aimed by angling the sails at energy collector on the ship, which conducts this energy into generators where it is used to feed sails-shields. Limelans are also pretty cool in Heat Proof Alloys and thus their hulls are much more resistant to lasers.

Trade: For currency Limelans use Water Stones, water compressed into precious stones. Limelans love to trade, they use their fuel efficient ships as trade stations floating in space. Limelan primary trade interest is computers (field they are not so good in) and robotics. Lack of stable agriculture makes them very interested in animals and grains. Their aristocracy love human slaves (thou it is generally forbidden, in order not to provoke human powers by slavery of humans)...but the every aristocrat has his own trading ship, and don�t have to use starports along with customs and other authorities. They do prefer slaves who come from closed worlds, because of tenderness of their skin... Limelan apparently look for something different from their brown skinned partners. Main product they want thou is water, in any amounts. Especially fresh water from open rivers. They are totally uninterested in weapons (they couldn�t survive their planet's harsh environment if they were fighting each other). Don�t use drugs but clear water in large amounts makes them high. They produce great Heat Proof alloys, plastics, cool luxury items. They have many precious stones. They make good slaves for work in heat conditions. They are very advance in Medicine (burns healing).

Religion: There are many gods in Limelan religion, but main belief is in universal river... Water stream that becomes living being and when this dies returns to river. Thus every Limelan believes that when he/she will die he will be for some long in STREAM until he will be again reincarnated, each time in more watery version. The STREAM is something like paradise, place full of water, garden full of juicy fruits and white-skinned servants ready to fulfill every wish . In STREAM time is nonexistent and course and reason as well....and even more, everything is fluid. There is always dark and cool in STREAM and is possible to breathe water.

The Limelan Symbol:

Ariel, Marksman

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