Paradise and Cash City

February 3, 3302

Commander Claud La-cloaust was suddenly awoken from his computer generated time advancing <Stardream> by a loud buzzing coming from the front computer console of his ship, indicating an incoming message.

As usually happened after a <Stardream>, it took a few seconds to gain his bearings, from the sugary world of the <Star dreamer> to the cold, gray cockpit of La-cloaust�s <Cobra>. While the universe outside slowed to normal speed the crystal chunks in the walls of the glittering cave transformed into huge chunks of dull machinery, the warm puffy blob La-cloaust was sitting in transformed into a hard backed chair and the soothing vines turned into exposed wiring, sprouting from various places within the workings of the ancient machine. From the looks of it the <Cobra> must have been pushing a century by now, and it was really showing - but appearances are nothing, La-cloaust knew that, which is why when he saw the small box wrapped up in brown paper and tied with a plain brown string that could very well have come from the 20th century he didn�t jump to any wild fanciful conclusions. Could have been a simple, good thing - a greeting card, a component for a computer you couldn�t get in this system, a toy from somebody�s childhood. It could also have been something bad - A poison canister, blackmail snaps, a deadly insect - some deadly insect venom.

"It doesn�t matter what is " He had been told when he had asked about it back in the <Ridequat> system he had picked it up from "You will be paid a good 1000 credits. Just give the package to Governor Cash, In Cash palace"

So there he was, sitting in his trusty old <Cobra>, in the independant system of Kalfa - A nowhere system in a rather boring location. He was in yet another repressive dictatorship with a huge poverty factor, heading for Cash city on the 2nd Planet of Yanek�s claim.

He reached forward and called up the message he had received.

Reply to automatic Docking Request from Cash City traffic department : You Are clear to land commander, proceed to bay 2

La-cloaust watched Yanek�s claim grow slowly bigger - the poisonous atmosphere turning the hot white sunlight a pale blue, at first the planet appeared bare, but gradually La-cloaust noticed that the entire surface was covered with alien forest. The plants of Yanek�s claim had obviously adapted to the blue light, for every one of them appeared white, but closer inspection would reveal them to be the palest blue with veins of pastel green. It looked like a bad <Star dream> created with faulty equipment, but La-cloaust knew that wasn�t possible, because his ship was so trustworthy.

A holographic label "Cash City" floated above a nondescript point on the planet. Soon it became apparent that it was pointing out a small white speck.

That speck gradually revealed itself to be a large rectangular building, a landing pad with docking facilities and a domed city - Cash City. The rectangular building was really a sight to see.- it must have been 2 Kilometers long, and at least 250 meters high. It appeared to be single story, but the height was made up of some of the most fancy architecture La-cloaust had ever seen. It was a tribute to the ancient Solar race the Persians, with shining metallic dome like points reaching for the sky. White and pale yellow latticework was everywhere. Windows came into view, extravagant stained glass windows, Complex defense systems with small armies of nicely uniformed guards patrolling the parapets with advanced weaponry appeared as the ship came closer.

It was beautiful, and it all belonged to Governor Cash, who generally was in charge of everything on Yanek�s claim.

Before La-cloaust realised it, the automatic pilot had set his Ship down safely in bay 2 of Cash city starport.

From Cash City traffic department : Welcome to Cash City, Commander. The Landing fee of 2 credits has been deducted.

La-cloaust grabbed the package and strode out of his ship. He arrived at the bottom of the boarding ramp in what appeared to be just like any other planetary dock. A large white room, several busy workmen charging around. His <Cobra> sat parked in the center. There was a huge amount of room left, for a <Cobra> isn�t exactly the top of the line, and as such not very big. But it was La-cloaust�s ship and nothing, he hoped, would change that. Except maybe when he came into money and upgraded. A <Cobra> mark III was the dream of many a privateer, especially ones who flew a <Cobra> I, but La-cloaust needed a lot more than another 1000 credits to be able to afford that.

He put his ambitions aside and began to walk out of the docking bay.

Before he delivered the package to Cash�s palace he decided to check out Cash City itself, after all, what would be the use of seeing the universe if you never looked at it? The long white corridor headed in two directions, he took the one leading to the giant dome that was Cash city.

The city was in extreme contrast with the palace - underdeveloped and poor looking. The dark green grass that grew within the dome was very visible, which Is not a sign of development. Scattered huts sat around in no particular fashion. Simple gray huts with a singe door and two windows. Flat topped, made from some sort of cheap synthetic concrete type material, and there was very little else around. It was nigh depressing, considering how extravagant Cash�s palace just next door was. It became apparent to La-cloaust that Governor Cash manipulated these simple people for his own benefit, living off them - The story of so many systems outside the core of humanity. If you were to tell the Solar politicians about this they wouldn�t believe it. Say it was impossible.

La-cloaust swivelled on his heels and walked down the long white corridor to Cash palace.

The Palace was amazing. The huge wooden doors were covered with ornate bronze designs. Access had to be gained through an average sized door cut into the large one, guarded by a pair of hulks built like <lifters> wearing 6 inch thick armour suits and energy dissipater units.

Inside the palace there must have been enough room to fit a small moon. The first room must have contained a million shining clean tiles with little gold rims, there was a daunting amount of space in the center and huge ornaments of all descriptions sat by the walls. Huge stain glass windows, statues, mobiles and wind chimes hanging from the ceiling -and massive fountains, the smallest of which were bigger than an Olympic swimming pool.

Awe inspiring music and strong lighting which seemed to give everything enhanced luster wafted in from an unseen source. For some reason La-cloaust thought of the word "paradise". Perhaps a subliminal message?

Then there was a single step up to another room just like the first one. And a number of steps after that.

The short walk up to where he could meet the king was in fact a difficult hike taking more than a quarter of an hour. Over the last 200 meters or so there was a thick roll of carpet, incredibly deep red. Probably made from the wool of the Quiezean regal alpacas .

Not surprisingly Cash�s throne Was huge. 15 feet of something that appeared to be gold and glittered so brightly that La-cloaust could hardly make out the dwarfed figure of governor Cash himself. The face was a blur, but the man was wearing long white robes, with the gold rim that everything else here seemed to have. From the center of his domain, he should have looked over the package eagerly, but he merely stared forwards into the room. A man in a strangely out of place blue camo jacket, obviously designed to provide protection in the blue forests of Yanek�s claim stepped up to La-cloaust and stood straddle legged a couple of feet in front of him. Towering over him, his military cap hiding some of the details of his face giving him a threatening appearance.

"You have the package, Commander La-cloaust" he said

"Yes, and just as soon as you give me my one thousand credits�." La-cloaust gave a huge grin and looked around, It was apparent to him that Cash was rich. Stinking rich, quite obviously rolling in credits.

"That�s a small problem" The man said

"Problem? You? Not pay, how is that?" La-cloaust�s voice became a rather high pitch.

"Not right at this moment, perhaps in the future we will contact you�"

La-cloaust couldn�t believe what he was hearing. Did they actually expect him to be fooled?

No, They were just lying to him. He decided he would make a dash. There was a ground level window on a wall about 15 meters away from him.

"No, I know what that means, I think I�ll take this package and go home" He bent down slightly on his knees to get a start, and ran with all his might towards the terrific window. When La-cloaust smashed into the window with incredible force it stayed completely still and he fell to the ground as if he had just hit a titanium slab. The Governor actually got out of his chair and ran across the vast hall at amazing speed, especially for an idle rich man. Especially for any man, as a matter or fact. Cash Grabbed La-cloaust and pulled him to his feet with strength as surprising as his speed. It was as if Cash were superhuman. La-cloaust reeled back a little and put on a nervous face, and a matching voice.

"What did I say just then?� I�m sorry, I should trust you, the governor of an entire planet, I mean. Take the package, Talk to you later about payment" he said.

Cash said nothing, and took the package, not releasing La-cloaust from his stare, as if he wanted more. La-cloaust didn�t like being in that position and began to run away through the hall, Cash began to chase. Just before leaving the throne room behind forever La-cloaust took a last glimpse.

"Stop, he doesn�t matter. You will stay where you are" he caught the man in the camo jacket order the Governor. La-cloaust was then surprised to see a man as obviously arrogant as Cash do what the army man had said like he were his master. Then he was well on his way out of that palace.

When La-cloaust arrived back at the docking bay, there were a small group of police troopers in blue flak jackets searching his ship. He walked up to the nearest police trooper and addressed him.

"Boys" he chose to adopt an informal tone "I would like to leave now, why didn�t you do this Before I was let out of the base? Hmm?" That tone turned out to be a mistake, The Police troop cut La-cloaust�s speech down in a very non-police fashion

"Where have you been sir?" He asked in a cold American accent.

"Can I ask what all this serious business is about?" La-cloaust asked with genuine interest

"Anti Terrorist Taskforce.. Where Have you Been? You are Required by Law to answer my.." The Cop began

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" La-cloaust interrupted "For Your information I have been delivering a parcel to the Governor himself. You can ask him to vouch for me if that�s what it comes to." He said in a Matter-or-fact way.

"The Governor? "La-cloaust detected a change of tone in the soldiers voice, but the it snapped back into formal mode "No, You don�t need to prove it. But we need to search your ship, come back in fifteen minutes when we�re done, then you be allowed to leave. Unless, of course we wish to question you. You may leave now, commander."

�What a crock� La-cloaust thought - as little as fifteen minutes counts when you use Starr Dreamer constantly for long flights, it could be a boring wait ahead. La-cloaust decided that these were not the cops to cross.

Once again La-cloaust walked out of the cargo bay and into the corridor that looked considerably less important now that he had seen Cash�s palace. He began to slowly pace towards the city for a little walk. Then he remembered something, and prayed that the animal skins he was shipping weren�t illegal in this system. He had neglected to check because he believed the police here wouldn�t search. Probably legal, but maybe�.

His worrying was interrupted by a deafening explosion. The ground shook violently. La-cloaust spun around to look at where he thought the explosion had come from.

The palace was gone.

Where once had stood the most majestic thing within 10 Light years there was a pile of smoldering rubble. Police troops began to run around everywhere. La-cloaust decided that he could take advantage of this to get off the planet, right now.

A siren began to ring and police were pouring everywhere from nowhere. There was even the odd flashing red light to add to the panic. La-cloaust stuck his head into the docking bay. His <Cobra> was safe, thank god. There was a wall of the dock missing and black smoke was pouring out, With chunks of ceiling and even a bit or two of wall flying around, crushing people - but the ship was okay. La-cloaust looked around to see if anyone looked like opposing him and came to the conclusion that nobody did. Then he began to jog towards his ship. He was interrupted by a faint call of


La-cloaust looked to where the voice had come from. There was a small group of gentle looking people in black robes crawling out from the rubble of the palace - having been inside and surviving the explosion. Many of them were very distressed, many had burns, broken bones and other injuries. They were a sorry looking mob. La-cloaust Felt bad for them for a second

"Help us, commander, take us with you" one of them begged. La-cloaust looked between his ship and the group, the group and his ship, the moment stretched out for a considerable time as he argued with his conscience about whether to help these poor strangers. He kept contemplating until he noticed who seemed to be the most important person in the group of casualties, their leader - Governor Cash himself.

"You Expect me to help you after that? Ha" La-cloaust shouted at Cash

"I have done nothing. I�ve been in the dungeon for days, Help commander, please, these people have.. I have been...." Cash begged back at him in a raspy voice with very little energy. Then Cash�s robes caught on fire. La-cloaust looked on for a second, and left Cash to die. He ran all the way up the ramp into the safety of his trusty <Cobra>. The ramp lifted, engines fired and blue flame covered the ground, incinerating one or two of the survivors of the blast. La-cloaust�s <Cobra> began to rise and then flew into the sky, leaving the chaotic scene behind.

When La-cloaust was several thousands kilometers above the site he began to feel safe. His adrenaline level returned to normal, everything felt quiet. He hadn�t realised what was happening fully until now, so it seemed as if the busy scene suddenly transformed into the vast blackness of space from his cockpit.

Once again he took a glance at the speck next to the holographic label "Cash City"

"All I did was deliver a parcel, it�s not my problem!"

Imperial Herald Space Journal

February 4 , 3302

The Poor Dictatorship of Kalfa (-4 , -5) is in a state of panic after the destruction of the palace of the Governor of the Planet - Cash palace was destroyed with Governor Cash inside just yesterday. The explosion is believed to be caused by a small, hand held explosive device which may have been smuggled in from a nearby system with a courier. The local ruffian peasants have taken control with force rather than political guile and the noble troops of the imperial guard have come to calm down the anarchic situation which could be hazardous to innocent individuals. Police urgently wish to question a commander La-cloaust who was seen flying a Cobra in the area shortly before the blast.


Elite references - These words might not make much sense in context if you haven�t come across them before. Here are some descriptions.

From The Original Elite

Star Dreamer - A device fitted in star ships which induces a semi dream state to �speed up� the time during long space flights.

Sol (solar) - Capital of the Federation, origin of humanity. Located (0,0)

Imperial Herald - Space Journal published by a company that is controlled by the Imperial space power. Kind of like a newspaper.

Cobra -a one man combat and courier vessel. Cheap and old design, but still a winner in the shipyard.

Cobra III -A Very Popular design of�one man vessel that superceded the Cobra Mk I. Better, bigger, and more expensive, one of the best AND oldest ships out there.

Lifter - A very small star ship used mostly for short distance transport across a planet surface or inide large buildings.

Independant system - Star system not tied with The Federation, The Empire or any other major space power.

Ridequat - Well known independant anarchic system with no established laws in a relatively busy section of independant space. Famous for it�s strong alcoholic beverages. One of the most happening places in the universe, so it is believed. Located at (-3,-6)

Made up new by the author

Quiezea - System home to the Quiezean regal alpacas, which produce a regal red far richer than that which can be accomplished by mankind and their artificial dies. Your eyes have probably not experienced full colour until you have seen the Quizean regal alpacas.


None of this section really effects the story anyway, so you shouldn�t worry about this and ignore <these parentheses> if you don�t know what TEP is or don�t care about TEP

This Story was written for TEP, but since the settings for TEP have not been confirmed yet, references to the previous Elite Games have been placed in <these parentheses> for possible change to avoid copyright violations or whatever you may. The date, the names and the journal name could also be changed if it were necessary. It doesn�t really matter to me. This story might even wind up set in the Frontier universe anyway. Whatever way the grass grows.

Everything in the Quizea and Kalfa systems, and those systems themselves are my own creations. Kalfa is placed at (-4,-5) to be near Ridequat, because it was mentioned as being near Ridequat in the story.

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