Equipment suggested by Peter Bridger

These equipment suggestions were developed by Peter Bridger. These ideas date before the shift in the plot, so some may not fit in with our current schemes, but others may work well.

Non-Offensive Equipment
Date Released: 10 Oct. 3325.
Weight: 200 Kg.
What is it? Micro- Shields are miniature versions of normal shield units that are fitted to the casing of any Class 3 Military Drive, but weigh less than 1t. The Output is the same as the bigger units, but five Micro-shields is all your limited to and ships which can't use a Class 3 Military drive won't be able to use Micro-Shields..
The Benefits: Well it means more space on ships which can use Class 3 Military Drives, that's all really.
How to use it: You don't actually use it as such, you get the Micro-Shields fitted at your local shipyards and then they just generate the shield all the time. Bit like normal shields.
Note from Bridger Astronautics 9 May 3330: The Micro-Shields have been found to be unstable and on several occasions have damaged or destroy ships carrying them, the Micro-Shields have now been taken off the common market.
Warp Effector.
Date Released:  19 Aug 3331.
Weight: 5t.
What is it? This is a device that creates a Warp field around the ship when it's in space and allows the ship to fly as if there was an atmosphere.
The Benefits: This device means that you can turn on a photon in space, which means more manoeuvrability in combat, and the ability to stop and start in a matter of seconds rather than days.
How to use it: The device just has to be fitted at your local shipyard, then when your in space it automatically activates.
Note from Bridger Astronautics: The Warp Effector is not available on the common market, you will be able to get it three ways. By getting the highest rank in the Empire, without having any rank with any other Military power and also having the highest Elite rating. Completing the Storm Shadow Missions, and completing a mission for Bridger Astronautics. Those are the three ways to get a Warp Effector.
Military Energy Booster.
Date Released: 19 Aug 3331.
Weight: 2t.
What is it? The Military Energy Booster is half the size of a normal Energy Booster and has the same output as one.
The Benefits: It means more space on the ship, or if you fit it with a normal Energy Booster the output is doubled.
How to use it: Just fit it and it'll start working immediately.
Note from Bridger Astronautics: The Energy Booster is not available on the common market, and there is no way to obtain it legally.
Cloaking Device.
Date Released: 19 Aug 3331.
Weight: 3t.
What is it? This is an improved version of the old Cloaking Device, draining the ship's energy banks 30% less than the old one.
The Benefits: If you're being attacked you can switch the cloaking device on and then you have the element of surprise on your side, it also helps with pirating as nobody will know it was you (including the Elite Federation of pilots).
How to use it: When you want to cloak just press the "X" key, then either wait for it to cut out or press the "X" key again to de-cloak.
Note from Bridger Astronautics: The Cloaking Device is not available on the common market, and there is no way to obtain it legally.
Cold Fusion Core.
Date Released: 19 Aug 3331.
Weight: 0t (part of the ship itself)
What is it? The Cold Fusion core is a ship power core that uses Cold Fusion power rather than conventional Nuclear Fusion power.
The Benefits: Cold Fusion is a completely unused power source, discovered by two scientists in March 1989. At first it was welcomed but within a month the scientists had been discredited and their process of creating Cold Fusion was said to be impure and that it was shear fluke that anything happened, some people said at that time that it was the oil companies that created the cover-up for fear of a market crash and them losing money. Whatever the reason Cold Fusion has not been used, but now Bridger Astronautics are producing Cold Fusion cores for the benefit of mankind. Why is it a good thing, because Cold Fusion is a limitless power source and it is clean, the only waste is 1t of precious metals a month. It also means that you no longer need to use conventional fuel as your drives are converted to take the Cold Fusion power, and there is no power drainage.
How to use it: Just get it fitted and you're away.
Note from Peter: Cold Fusion is not science fiction it is science fact, just search for Cold Fusion on the Internet to see I'm not lying.
EMP Shielding.
Date Released: 22 September 3313.
Weight: 3t per unit.
What is it? This was designed by Bridger Astronautics to counter the effect of their EMP Cannons.
The Benefits: It means that your ship will be protected from a burst of EMP Radiation, be warned though that one unit can only take one burst of the EMP Cannon and then it has to recharge for 5 minutes.
How to Use it: It’s basically like normal shield units, just get it fitted and it powers up.

Drives and Thrusters
Military Interplanetary Drive.
Date Released: 2 July 3275.
Weight: 2t.
What is it? This is the smallest drive you can get and is what the Military drives have.
The Benefits: Well I suppose if you fit it on a lifter you could shoot something.
Class 3a Military Drive.
Date Released: 10 Oct 3325.
Weight: 24t.
What is it? This is an advanced prototype of a new type of Class 3 Military Drive which is a Class 4 military drive with the weight of a Class 3 Military drive , although on the common market now it is still in the testing stage and has the highest chance of mis-jumping.
The Benefits: This drive has a far longer range than the old Class 3 Military Drive with the same amount of fuel.
Note from Bridger Astronautics. 12 June 3330: The Class 3a Military drive has been found to have a life expectancy of 5 years after which the drive goes critical, all existing drives have been recalled.
Military Thrusters.
Date Released: 10 Oct 3325.
Weight: 0t (part of the ship).
What is it? These are faster Thrusters than normal ones.
The Benefits: These Thrusters produce 60% more thrust than the normal ones effectively making the ship go faster.

Offensive Equipment:
EMP Pulse Cannons.
Date Released: 12 July 3313.
Weight: 6t.
EMP Pulse Cannons.
Date Released: 12 July 3313.
Weight: 6t.
What is it? They are cannons which fire a concentrated burst of EMP Radiation effectively overloading a ships electronics.
The Benefits: With these you can disable a ship and then either plunder it or take command of it.
How to use it: The cannons are fitted onto an extra gun mounting on the front of the ship, so when you want to use it just press the "Z" key to switch from your pulse or beam laser to the cannons then fire them using the space bar or mouse buttons.
Ground Based Laser:

Date Released: 20 March 3269.
Weight: N/A (cannot be carried by ‘ship).
What is it? This is as it says a ground based laser battery. It was designed by Bridger Astronautics when they were still connected to the Federation, to protect Federal installations from attack. Subsequently Bridger Astronautics has released the blue prints to the public forum. The laser is a standard 1MW beam laser, although rumours of the Federation arming some with large plasma accelerators have been denied. The laser requires a constant energy supply and so cannot be used on board a space station or ship.
The Benefits: This can be used to protect installations (military or otherwise) from space/airborne attack.
How to use it: The laser is install by a team of professionals, and then is programmed with all the Ids of friendly spacecraft. Then it can be set to automatic or can have an operator to designate hostile targets.
Note from Peter: I designed this to spice up the photo and bombing missions, nothings more terrifying then getting 10 klicks to the military installation and then have five GBLs open fire. If there is the option to buy up star systems then the player could be able to buy these on the common market.

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