Bridger Astronautics Ships

By Peter 'BobaFett' Bridger

Note: Excepting Porphyre's comments, this was written before the plot shift for TEP.  All of the ships are usable, but certain information (allegiance, background stories, equipment, etc.) needs to be changed.

Canister-Class Infiltrator Fighter
Hull Mass: 1t.
Mass: 4t.
Internal Capacity: 3t.
Retro. Thruster Acceleration: 15 G.
Main Thruster Acceleration: 25 G.
Crew: 1.
Gun Mountings: 0.
Missile Pylons: 0.
Allegiance: All.
Release Date: 2 July 3275.
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Although new on the market, the Canister has been around since the dawn of Hyperspace. It was designed by the police as an Infiltrator to deal with the pirate threat that was looming. The Main idea was that a pirate would come across the Canister and scoop it up. Once the Canister had been scooped up, the pilot would exit and make an arrest. This technique worked 80% of the time. Now that Cargo Canisters have been taken off the Market, the police decided to release the Canister fighters on to the common market.

Bob's Thoughts:
Well this looks really stupid. Whichever pirates actually mistook this pencil to be a Cargo Canister deserves to be arrested. Though seriously this fighter can actually be of use. Okay so you can only put a Military Interplanetary drive on and have the extra ton taken up by the fuel. But it can also change it's I.D. to any item of cargo. Which can be good for Assassinations. Get what I'm saying?

Peter's Thoughts:
This ship could be utilized if we have the X-com type interface ship-to-ship docking section, there could be some sort of mission (hand-coded or other) where you have to use it. Otherwise, it's just another ship to go with the Shuttle and Lifter.

Porphyre's Thoughts:
This ship should be offered only in special missions, as it has a very specialized role (it's not even another Shuttle/Lifter type ship because it should only have 1 ton of cargo space if it's to be mistaken for a cargo pod).

Katana Assault Fighter
Hull Mass: 40t.
Mass: 120t.
Internal Capacity: 80t.
Retro. Thruster Acceleration: 20 G.
Main Thruster Acceleration: 40 G.
Crew: 1.
Gun Mountings: 2+F.
Missile Pylons: 4.
Allegiance: Independent.
Release Date: 10 Oct. 3325.
Date Taken Off Market: 20 July 3330.
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The Katana Assault Fighter is Bridger Astronautics' first ship to be distributed by them. Their record of ships started with the Canister Infiltrator, and they were also asked by the makers of the Cobra Mk. III for help on the hull design, although this has never been acknowledged.

Now that Bridger Astronautics have broken from the Federation, they've decided to set up shop on Ackwada. The ship itself is a breakthrough in technology, with it's Micro-Shields (TM) which are connected to their version of the Class 3 Military drive. The Shields give the same output as 5 units of normal shields, but weigh under a ton. The Class 3 Military drive is allegedly a Federation prototype, but has been strictly denied by both organizations. The drive gives the Katana a range of 53.70 light years on 4t of Military Fuel.

Bob's Thoughts: Hmm, this ship's alright if you don't own a Quest. The ship's name tells you what it was really designed for, assaulting Federation bases and shipyards. Fly one into Federation space and expect to get a lot of attention from the military. But apart from that you've got a nice fast and protected ship. A good buy for any bounty hunter.

Peter's Thoughts: I quite like this ship, but alas I'm the only one and because of that the ship is only available for 5 game years, after which if the player owns one it will explode at an inopportune moment. The ship should give you a bad reputation for the Federal Military and you'll get a lot of Federal ships attacking you when you're in Federation space.

Imperial Transport
Hull Mass: 500t.
Mass (Fully Laden): 3500t.
Internal Capacity (No Drive): 3000t.
Retro. Thruster Acceleration: 3 G.
Main Thruster Acceleration: 10 G.
Crew: 12.
Gun Turrets: 7+F.
Missile Pylons: 0.
Allegiance: Empire.
Release Date: 5 January 3331.
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The Imperial Transport is the first of five ship designs by Bridger Astronautics (now located on Conversion, Acheaner) for the Empire.

The Imp. Transport is the first 3000 ton ship on the common market. It is also the first ship to use only turrets due to it's immense size, and the fact that the front of the ship opens up allowing Vehicles to enter or exit the ship.

Although slow and cumbersome, the Imp. Trans. is highly armored due to the fact that it is to replace the Imp. Trader as a Imperial Troop and vehicle transport.

Bob's Thoughts:
This ship has got the Panther Clipper club crying on their consoles. This ship is big and can transport a whole legion of Empire troops including air support, and that big beak on the front can be opened up in space allowing you to capture smaller ships.

The only let down is that it's too big and too slow, don't expect to have any maneuverability in the atmosphere apart from up and down, and as for combat I'd fill most of the ship up with shields and hope your gunners are good shots.

Peter's Thoughts:
I designed this because I thought the Imp. Trader was too small for a troop and vehicle transport. The Beak idea was from a picture of a plane that I saw once, I might even cook up a mission involving this ship.

Porphyre's Thoughts:
A space to ground troop/vehicle transport. Sounds good.

Viper Mk. III
Hull Mass: 15t.
Mass: 70t.
Internal Capacity: 55t.
Retro. Thruster Acceleration: 12 G.
Main Thruster Acceleration: 27 G.
Crew: 1.
Gun Mountings: 1+F.
Missile Pylons: 4.
Allegiance: Empire.
Release Date: 10 April 3331.
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Bridger Astronautics have come up with a police ship for the Empire. The second ship design for the Empire, this is basically an improved Viper Mk II.

Bob's Thoughts:
This ship's even scarier than the other two vipers, it's faster and bigger than both and is made for the Empire to keep order at space ports.

Peter's Thoughts:
I designed this ship because the Empire didn't have a police ship.

Imperial Attack Fighter
Hull Mass: 20t.
Mass: 45t.
Internal Capacity: 25t.
Retro. Thruster Acceleration: 10 G.
Main Thruster Acceleration: 25 G.
Crew: 1.
Gun Mountings: 1.
Missile Pylons: 4.
Allegiance: Empire.
Release Date: 20 May 3331.
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The Empire asked Bridger Astronautics to come up with a support fighter for the Osprey, and this is what they came up with. The third design from BA for the Empire. The Assault Fighter was designed for space station assaults, and to back-up the Osprey in battle.

Bob's Thoughts:
I'd say this was an Eagle Mk. III in sheep's clothing, It looks so stupid but when it attacks it hits like an Eagle. It's a very good ship and has a good turning rate.

Peter's Thoughts:
This was a ship I designed for my own sci-fi universe, but decided to let TEP have it instead.

Shuriken Trader
Hull Mass: 150t.
Mass: 650t.
Internal Capacity: 500t.
Retro. Thruster Acceleration: 5 G.
Main Thruster Acceleration: 9 G.
Crew: 10.
Gun Mountings: 2+F.
Missile Pylons: 12.
Allegiance: Empire.
Release Date: 30 June 3331.
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The Fourth design from Bridger Astronautics for the Empire, is aimed at the offensive trading market. It comes with a free Fuel Scoop, and tractor beam cargo scoop, and a brand new Energy Booster.

Bob's Thoughts:
This is an okay ship to trade in and to fight in as well. But you have to have the extra number of crew for the repairs you're obviously going to get when fighting,

Peter's Thoughts:
I put the crew number up to 10 because of the idea of having the crew actually do something. so half of the crew will pilot the ship while the other half waits until repairs are needed.

“Storm Shadow” Stealth Ship
Hull Mass: 150t.
Mass: 230t.
Internal Capacity: 80.
Retro. Thruster Acceleration: 50 G.
Main Thruster Acceleration: 50 G.
Crew: 1.
Gun Mountings: 1+F.
Missile Pylons: 0.
Allegiance: Empire.
Release Date: 19 August 3331.
Official Release Date: 19 August 3340.
Standard Equipment: Atmospheric Shielding, Main Frame Computer with full Auto Targeter, Navigation, Combat, Auto pilot and Radar Mapped software, Laser Cooling Booster, Scanner, 5 units of Shields, 1 MW Beam Laser, Tractor Beam Cargo Scoop, Military Energy Booster, Class 3 Military Drive, Naval ECM System, Cloaking Device, Transmission Jammers, Military Cameras, Warp Effector.
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The Storm Shadow is Bridger Astronautics last design for the Empire. The Empire deny all knowledge of this ship as do Bridger Astronautics.   Although citizens from Conversion, Acheaner, report of seeing it in flight. The Descriptions match and it seems that in an atmosphere the Storm Shadow resembles a cone, and in space resembles a cone with petals where the engine is.

Reports also seem to indicate that the Storm Shadow flies in space as if there was an atmosphere and eye witnesses report seeing the Storm Shadow outrun a Falcon at top speed. It is also thought that the Storm Shadow has the latest in cloaking technology, and a different fusion core. It is unlikely that the Storm Shadow will ever be released on the common market, and anyone seen flying one in Imperial space will have it confiscated and be arrested.

Peter's Thoughts:
This ship is a secret ship, that you can only get if you are Elite and a Prince, but you won't get hold of it until you complete 10 missions and 1 mission piloting the Storm Shadow. On the first mission you have to destroy a heavily guard Thargoid Base in your normal ship.

Porphyre's Thoughts:
We need a few Stealth ships around.

Dragon Trader
Hull Mass: 150t.
Mass: 820t.
Internal Capacity: 670t.
Retro. Thruster: 5 G.
Main Thruster: 10 G.
Crew: 5.
Gun Mountings: 1+F.
Missile Pylons: 4.
Allegiance: Federation, Independent, Empire.
Release Date: 15 October 3331.
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Undercarriage Down:

Undercarriage Up:

The Dragon Trader is the first ship to be produced independently by the revamped Bridger Astronautics. They've gone and aimed it at the defensive trader, due to the fact of only having one gun mounting on such a big ship. Other than that the Dragon Trader is a mediocre trader vessel.

Bob's Thoughts:
This vessel’s alright if you just want to trade, but don't expect to win any fights.

Peter's Thoughts:
This ship was designed for balance between offensive and defensive trading.

Wolf Interceptor
Hull Mass: 10t.
Mass: 50t.
Internal Capacity: 40t.
Retro. Thruster: 10 G.
Main Thruster: 30 G.
Crew: 1.
Gun Mountings: 1.
Missile Pylons: 4.
Allegiance: Independent, Empire.
Release Date: 20 February 3332.
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The Wolf Interceptor is designed primarily as an intercept craft, with QUSUVTOL (Quick Start-Up Vertical Take-Off and Landing) engines which accelerate the craft from 0-60 in 2.03 seconds <Data to be changed, it gets off the ground faster than normal ships basically>. Due to this fact the engines need regular maintenance. There is a version for space stations in the pipeline, with QULAD (Quick Launch And Docking) ports required for the quick response time.

Bob's Thoughts:
This looks like a pretty good ship, nice and nippy. The space station version probably won't make it onto the common market. It could even replace the Viper spacecrafts as the main police ship.

Peter's Thoughts:
This ship should gradually replace the Viper as the main police ship, the space station version won't be available on either markets as it's just the same except that it launches in FTOL instead of VTOL, and the space stations have to be modified with the QULAD ports.

Porphyre's Thoughts:
Where I'm from, there are several different models of police cars. Everything from price to taste determines which departments have which cars. I'm all for having a variety of police ships (even including undercover ships).

Interplanetary Recovery Vehicle
Porphyre's Thoughts:
Here's Peter's design for a tug. I believe it was designed to work in conjunction with his space station.
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Titanus Space Station
Porphyre's Thoughts:
Here's Peter's space station.
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