Phil's Shielding Model:

By Phil

I can't see why each ship can't just be divided into so many shield/hull zones, with shields being placed over a particular zone; thus you could onion skin on a larger ship, just place several shield generators in the one zone, but a small ship might only have 2 or 3 zones, or even 1, but a large could have 10 or more, so a few shield generators could cover a small ship with a couple of layers, but maybe a larger one might require a dozen even to cover it's surface once! You can see here how ships could be customised to cover particularly vulnerable areas well with shielding, or have good general protection, or protect rear in order to run away, or front for more attacking, etc, etc. I know this might remove some of the concept of redistributing shield power, but then it's just an idea.

To paraphrase, I suggest that a craft's surface could be divided into logical 'sectors' of approximately the same absolute size. Thus, a small ship might have 1, 2, or 3 of these sectors, a capital ship a dozen or more.

A shield generator would therefore typically cover a single sector. Multiple shield generators could be allocated to a single sector, allowing 'onion skinning' of shields on either small or large craft. Tactical customisation would also be possible - multiple shields on front sector(s) when you plan to do a lot of attacking, or on rear if you'd prefer to run away (note, this could only be altered at a shipyard, as it would relate to the physical location of the shielding devices.

Now, the relevant point here, is that each sector could be allocated hull strength as well. So a cunning pilot might be able to focus fire on a particular location to break through and destroy vital equipment.

The reason I bring this up, is that if such a concept were implemented, it would certainly affect the ship data structure. To take it to a logical conclusion, these sectors would also relate to the locations where equipment and cargo are placed within the vessel. It's a bit like the Mechwarrior games (or Battletech if there are wargamers out there) in terms of hit locations and space for ammo, weapons and equipment.

This would be fairly realistic, flexible, and add to gameplay I feel.

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