Probes in TEP


Probes will be vital to exploration in TEP. The question is, how should we design the probes? The ideal model would obviously incorporate great flexibility while also having the ability to perform varied tasks, as well as being quite useful on defaults.

Default Probes: These are the platforms from which you build the probe suited toward you needs. There are three platforms.

Generic Orbiter:
Includes camera, comm relay, scanner, small engine, and instruments to gather information on the planet, etc.
Generic Lander:
Includes camera, soil sampler, other instruments for determining atmospheric composition and pressure, gravity, etc.
Generic Probe: Includes camera, engines, scanner, navigation computer, etc. It is the priciest, because it can orbit planets, then move on.

Equipment packages: Equipment packages will be available to customize these probes. Each package may be made customizable (adding and taking away bits), provided we have someone willing to put in all the hideous details (a given, right Andrea?). Each probe will, however, have a maximum payload. Also, we can probably look forward to new packages in the future. Expect a probe for every lifestyle thanks to these packages.

Surveilance package:
Upgrades cameras, scanner, adds electronic monitering of signals, antennaes, etc.
Weapons package:
Adds small laser, explosives, and a self-destruct feature.
Geological survey package:
Adds several geologic penetrators to the payload; these are shot into the surface to determine the composition of a planet and the viability of mining there.
Autonomous Surveyor:
Adds a miniturized probe to conduct gather data elsewhere or remain as the main probe leaves. This increases the accuracy of the information you are collecting. With a little prodding, someone may program a driving interface for them. :-)
This is:
  • a Sojourner-type for the lander,
  • a smaller orbiter or drop-probe for the orbiter and the probe.
Enables you to connect a probe to an orbiter, an orbiter to a lander, etc. to allow you to deliver an orbiter or lander to a planet without visiting there yourself, and so one.
Mobility enhancement: Improves engines, adds the ability to return to your spacecraft, "recall," to lander and orbiter.
Sensor upgrade: A life-scan system for landers, telescopic view, additional sensors for probes and orbiters.

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