Step III

By Volnaris Solicarn

As I was pondering what ideas we could have concerning the plot, I immidiately thought of a possible compromise that would place the 13th Protectorate in the plot line. Hope you like it.


Being one of the largest breakthroughs in given history, the wormhole between galaxies has been opened to all in an attempt to rejuvenate human civilization that remained after the cataclysm. Although having the location of the wormhole given away to the general populous will definitely make it a primary target for any acting powers to terrorize others, it has been noted that the wormhole will be extensively guarded. In order to inaugerate this wonderful occassion, the leaders of both the Unified Republic, as well as the Confederate Coalition will be present to open the wormhole. The audience at this occassion is guessed to be about seven million, with many individuals staying at the nearby colony world of Firax.

DETERANCE NEWSMAG. <given date + 2 months>

After over two months of being open, the wormhole has grown to be a center of both trade and culture, connecting galaxies over a single conduit. Trading in this beacon of humanity has not been a walk in the park, however, as many traders have already died thanks to the corrupt forces that populate these old worlds. Historical reports have already been traded with the Augur Nations, the primary uniting force in this galactic cluster, and many of our modern historians have already been successful at decoding specific sections. The latest updates can be found on the "Old" Galaxy World Page, accessable directly from the nearest ISCS channel. In addition, the first report of Hyperspace Sickness has come in from a trader in the old galaxy, after over three hundred years of reported safety. No connection has yet been determined.

DETERANCE NEWSMAG. <given date + 3 months>

Hyperspace Sickness was first discovered over eight-hundred years ago by a member of the Republican Interstellar Navy while in interstellar training exercises. Nowadays, it is characterized as a psychosematic disorder where the recipient commonly hears voices surrounding him after long-duration hyperspace flights. The primary cause of this disorder was originally traced to the temporal manipulation device that was commonly used to accelerate time over these distances combined with a build-up of hyperparticles. Ever since the reported reoccurance of this disorder last month, over twelve other reported cases have been brought to the head of the medical counsel on Fasina 6. The fact that all of these reoccurances have occurred in the old galaxy has brought attention to this region for further scientific study. So far, all the traders that have reported H.S. have been commited to the Institute of Rehabilitation and Research on Fasina 6. It is unknown why this is occurring, so it is recommended that traders attempt to spend as little amount of time as possible in Hyperspace when travelling the old galaxy.

DETERANCE NEWSMAG. <given date + 5 months>

The latest tests in the old galaxy to determine the origin of the breakout of hyperspace illness have gone without results, for the most part. Although the latest SciShip to return from the wormhole is reported to have brought back something of notable interest to the research colonies on Fasina 6, nothing has been publicly released.

DETERANCE NEWSMAG. <given date + 6 months>

Last month, a SciShip returned through the wormhole bringing with it a confidential item that was never publicly released... until now. At a news conference earlier this week, the scientist Garnax Fisaad has reported that the item returned from the old galaxy is, in fact, a data disc implanted with a recording of the reported "voices". Since the scientists were working in an isolation chamber on the SciShip as it entered hyperspace, they should have been free from any influence of Hyperspace Illness. Unfortunately, this was not so, as the working scientists were stricken with hearing "voices" while in mid-flight. Thanks to the latest technology of ultrasonic recording, the "voices" were in fact picked up on data disc. Although no cause has been pinpointed, this has been reported as "definitely not a run-of-the-mill case of Hyperspace Sickness".

DETERANCE NEWSMAG. <given date + 10 months>

Latest study on the reported "voices" that originated from within hyperspace in the old galaxy has come with no results. A reported theorum, however, devised by Professor Jarius Kahaas stated that the voices may be "temporal whispers", a type of hypersonic distortion in the fabric of space and time in the domain of hyperspace. The waves would have to be caused by a fleet of some sort that was specifically creating a "gateway", or an artificial tunnel into realspace that would essentially cross dimentions. The flood of matter and hyperparticles through the rip would result in a massive explosion in both hyperspace and realspace. The technology, however, for such a daunting task would be far beyond our current level, and may even result in a cataclysm far beyond any that has yet occurred.

The plot would then continue to report that the 13th Protectorate was lost in hyperspace following their "synthetic access" to the wormhole, and attempted to drill their way back into realspace using the technology that they had access to on their individual vessels. Their access to an artificial wormhole only worked one-way, and they were given permanent, and inescapable access to hyperspace. We can work out the details later; maybe they were even the cause of the gravitational cataclysm...

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