A Cyber Punk-GURPS game. Set in 2045 in the future sprawl of Minneapolis-Saint Paul (MSP) which is now the northern edge of the Megaplex (sprawl) that connects Detroit, Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee, Eau Claire, and MSP. This sprawl is known as Northopolis. Boils down to bullets. Bodies. Chrome. Bullets. Chaos. Bullets. Bombs. Bodies. And Gunfights.

To live or to die,
The Way of the Warrior.
Honorable end.

Perfect Elegance,
A rogue at night with a code.
Woven weightlessness.

Without soul, conscience.
The Abyss looks, sees itself.
Silent anvil breaks.

Backstabbing bastard.
Thinking only of himself,
Me, myself, and I.

Future without past
Greatness fights without reward
the Ally unseen

Richard Raven and Associates

Campaign Stories

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |

PC's are:
  1. Kazure An assassin without a personality.

  2. Spydr Freelance dealer in future used goods.

  3. Sharkman Former Ares International Security Force Solo.

    • Zona Physician, Angel of Mercy, and Sharks main squeeze.

  4. Ariel Kenna Gentech Psionic Extraordinare.

My inspiration:
Blackjack's Shadowrun Page

An excerpt from Blackjacks that is really damn funny. Hope you learn from it.

Some Phunny stuph about Philedelphia.

| Homepage | RPGs | Egos | CP Terms | CP Guns | Street Names |
| CP Stories | CP Corps |
| Character Sheet | Axioms 2 live by | Neat Stuff | Murphy's Laws |
| The Long List of Things to Carry to Always Be Prepared. |

Last updated 980921
Copywight 1998. Elmer Fud Industwies. All wights weserved.