Name: Bishop (full/real name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #282
Powers/Abilities: Bishop can rechannel energy attacks projected at him. Things like electricity, kinetic energy, even more powerful things like ambient and perhaps cosmic energy, Bishop can absorb and store within himself, then project it right back at a foe with oftentimes equal or greater power.
History: Bishop is from a not-so-distant alternate future, where Sentinels roam in the post-apocalyptic world. As a powerful mutant, he was brought into the X.S.E., or Xavier's Security Enforcers, along with his sister, Shard. Eventually, he grew older and more hardened, and also gained a vicious enemy in the form of Trevor Fitzroy, a mutant time-hopper who drained life from others to power up. He was also responsibile for setting Shard up to die at the hands of some nasty Emplates from the future, mutated vampires who feed off of the genetic marrow of both humans and mutants.
Bishop's quest to destroy Fitzroy was what led him to our time, as he followed him through a time portal. After his two partners, Malcolm and Randall, died shortly after appearing in the 20th century, Bishop met up with the X-Men, who were like legends in his time. Eventually he joined them and is still fighting alongside them today, although part of his quest has been completed. He warned the X-Men of a traitor in their ranks, someone who would kill the X-Men and lead to the horrible future he lived through. Although a prime suspect was Gambit, it turned out that it was actually Professor Xavier, the founder of the X-Men, though he wasn't quite himself, as he took on the name Onslaught which fit his unbelievably powerful psionic abilities. The threat was thwarted, however, and Bishop's future is unlikely to happen. Why he still exists here, however, is a strange scientific mystery that will make your head explode if you think about it too much.
Currently, Bishop seems to be lost in time once again after he followed Fitzroy into an abandoned building. When he's going to come back, if at all, is unknown, but perhaps he found another purpose for himself.