Name: Dr. Ted Salis
First Appearance: Savage Tales #1
Powers/Abilities: Man-Thing has a bevy of interesting powers, the most minor of which are enhanced strength and the ability to regenerate any wounds nearly instantaneously. He also has a habit of appearing where he's least expected, showing his power to travel to various places in a very short amount of time. However, the most prominent of his powers is his extreme sense of empathy, the ability to sense others' emotions. The saying goes, "whatever knows fear, burns at the touch of the Man-Thing." You figure it out.
History: Dr. Ted Sallis, a successful chemist, spent years of work on the Super-Soldier Serum, best known for turning Steve Rogers into the icon of human achievement, at least physically. He neglected his wife as he slaved over his work. This neglect eventually caused her to betray her husband when she sold information to the organization called A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics). It wasn't long before the A.I.M. troops were after Dr. Sallis, more specifically after the serum. Fleeing into the swamp area nearby, Ted realized that the only way to prevent the serum from going into the wrong hands was to get rid of it, so he injected the only sample he had into himself. The serum was untested, however, and the results were completely unexpected, as he began to mutate and the primordial ooze of the swamp slowly embued within him, creating a monster that was once a doctor.
Although his mind and body have changed, the creature now called the Man-Thing does have a mission, as he acts as the guardian of the Nexus of All Realities, the gateway between worlds and all existences.
The Man-Thing came in contact with Generation X when they were under attack by Black Tom Cassidy. The Man-Thing was so intrigued by young Franklin Richards, that he began acting as his protector (this was later revealed to have a strong connection to the Heroes Reborn event that was taking place). Along with Howard the Duck, his girlfriend Beverly, Artie, Leech, and an alien named Tana Nile, the group went on a little adventure which can be seen in the mini-series Daydreamers.