Metalmorphasis' 93QFM Memorial Page

FM 93.3 WQFM, Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- 1973-1996

For over 20 years, FM 93 WQFM here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin played some of the best rock & roll that can be had! Everything you can imagine and more. Then a tradgic thing happened. February 1996... 93QFM is the subject of a hostile takeover by a bunch of guys who play "Smooth Jazz/Easy Listening" SHIT SHINGLES! The era of 93QFM had come to a sad ending, leaving us Milwaukee Metalheads with "New Rock 102.1" (which converted from a f--king RAP station "Hot 102", to a Seattle "Alternative" BULLSHIT station) and Lazer 103 -- QFM's only other Rock 'N' Roll rival, followed suit! Well, I'm here to announce the launching of a crucial campaign!


Any of you Milwaukee area rockers hip to that? If so, please join me in launching the most agressive campaign ever!

The 93QFM Ressurection Campaign

Here is a brief history of 93QFM as described by it's owner SHAMROCK COMMUNICATIONS:


In 1973, Shamrock Communications, Inc., purchased a Milwaukee oom-pah-pah radio station that played polkas and waltzes, converted to rock music, and enjoyed more than two decades of success. In 1982, Billboard magazine honored it as the country's best rock station. Times-Shamrock continued its pursuit of the profitable baby-boom generation by switching to a smooth jazz format in March 1996. Blending smooth jazz instrumentals with R&B, rock and AC vocals, the station appeals to the 25-54 audience coveted by advertisers.

This is the first chance ever to fight for the station we all loved as kids growing up! Call (414) 799-1093 and DEMAND the return of 93QFM and the DEATH of "Smooth Jazz 93 WJZI"!! We want 93QFM Back! And WE WANT IT NOW!!!! I made my calls! Milwaukee Metalheads! Let's go get those "smooth Jazz" bastards! They can take their "Smooth Jazz" shit shingles and shove 'em where the sun don't shine!

It might also help to visit SCAMROCK Communications and let your voice be heard! "Smooth Jazz 93, WJZI" must go! Over a year of that LAME-ASS shit is enough! QFM! QFM! QFM! QFM! QFM!!! (Keep the chant going!) QFM! QFM!. QFM! QFM! QFM! QFM!..

Visit Shamrock's 93QFM Web Page for a brief description of the late, great, FM 93 WQFM... Milwaukee!

And bring back Radio Doctors too! Somebody! That's another cool institution which bit the dust over a year ago! From 12 stores strong down to nothing! Thanks alot Camelot Music, Best Buy, and all other lame-ass chains! At least Radio Doctors could get imports! Camelot Music (I call it CUM-a-lot) is too f--king big and lame to be able to pull that off!

SPECIAL THANKS TO JOHN NORTON for scanning in and sending these images... Enjoy!

Thanks again to John Norton!!!

Again! Courtesy of John Norton! We've got some other cool memorablila scanned in for posting on this site! I know it ain't QFM, but it's just as cool!

RADIO DOCTORS, like MAINSTREAM RECORDS, was one of the two local music chains that carried some of the most kick ass music around! Imports? If it was in print, like Mainstream, Radio Doctors could get it! Radio Doctors is now only a fond memory of the past. The once historic LANDMARK location of the original Radio Doctors on 3rd and Wells in Downtown Milwaukee is now totally gone! A flower shop now inhabits what was once a great record store! How appropriate -- one should always put flowers on a grave! As you can see this voucher also proudly bears the logo of 93QFM!!!! (hehe!)

Like 93QFM FM 97 WLPX was the OTHER local Rock Station until about 10-12 years ago AT LEAST! Playing all the cool 70s and 80s Rock, art rock, and even METAL! What other station played IRON MAIDEN and AC/DC in the middle of the day! Most other WUSSY Rock Stations make you wait until the wee hours of the morning to hear cool jams like that, if AT ALL anymore! WLPX and WQFM both had their place in Milwaukee Rock Radio history, and unfortunately with these two radio stations gone, Milwaukee has no outlet for totally cool rock and roll! ("Lazer 103" and "New Rock 102.1" don't count with all that GRUNGE/ALTERNATIVE/SEATTLE bullshit they play!) Today the radio station that occupies what was once WLPX, is an easy-listening while-you-work, soft rock SHIT station called WLTQ!!! MAY "LITE 97" WLTQ BURN IN THE HELL THAT SPAWNED IT!! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems both WQFM and WLPX have essentially suffered the same fate -- being turned into wussy-radio stations that play easy listening SHIT SHINGLES 24 hours a day! Somebody please ship KNAC from LA to Milwaukee or open a fucking Z-ROCK station in the Milwaukee radio market!!! PLEASE!!!

I'm STILL behind WLPX!! I gotta get me some sticker paper and a color ink jet and print this out so I can have my WLPX "Fanny Gram" again!!!! haha! Hey! Anyone out there still got those little wings? How about the jackets? Dammit! I'm gonna get into fucking SILK SCREENING! Anyone want t-shirts? (hehe!)

These are two clubs that used to be in Milwaukee that had some kick ass jams! Other clubs, I hope to have pictures up soon -- included T.A.Verns, The Haven (A.K.A. The Shark Tank - it's former name), The Crystal Palace, Shank Hall (Still around, thank GOD!), The Odd Rock Cafe (Good fucking RIDDANCE to THAT fucking hole in the wall!), The Unicorn, Swizzlers, and the historic Milwaukee Eagles Club, which unlike many of the other clubs I mentioned here, is fortunately still running today -- but the "Eagles Club" is now "The Rave". The place is falling apart because the bastards who own the place don't maintain the building and the city wants to tear it down, but it will always be MY fucking concert place man! I will post a picture of some of these clubs soon!

This page will soon be merging with my "Milwaukee Metal Page" to include all this cool stuff which is part of Milwaukee's rockin' past. Milwaukee is a SHITTY town for jamming in now! Nobody fucking comes here anymore! But Megadeth DID play the Eagles Club (I sitll call it that, FUCK "the Rave" -- it's always gonna be the "Eagles Club" to me!) in August '97 -- I got pictures!!!!! I will post 'em soon! :-) Special thanks again to John Norton for sending the cool QFM. LPX, Radio Doctors, and other cool scans!

Hey! Speaking of QFM and all that... where the fuck is "FISH"? Dude, if you're out there, send a fucking eM@il please! Are ya a bum on the streets? "Fish" is the dude that brought METAL to Milwaukee radio! I hope he isn't working some easy listening shit station somewhere!


-- OR -- CLICK ME to visit the local web page of the now historic 93QFM! This web site hasn't been updated since the Q went off the air and became that "Smooth Jazz" shit station! But it's almost all that remains of a once great radio station in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Milwaukee might as well not have radio! It all SUCKS now!

CLICK ME to return to the main page.

Remember the call letters... 93QFM, Milwaukee!