Not nearly everything you wanted to know about Justin Matthew Pressnall, but certainly more than enough.
I don't have many recent pictures of myself, but that is me on the right there
and that's my brother Scott on the side that isn't the right.
This is my family in a much more recent picture.
As you can see, my hair's no longer bright red.
I was born in La Mesa, California, but have grown up in Prescott, Arizona.  Spending fifteen years in any town can get you down, but Prescott is rather stifling.  After graduating from the illustrious Prescott High School in 1995, I attended Yavapai College for two years and finally moved on to NAU in Flagstaff where I'm a Physical Science Education major.  Currently, I'm wondering if that's what I want to do with my life, so I'm in a state of flux.  My dream is to open a publishing company with some of my friends.  As time goes by, this dream seems like it might actually occur.  Here's to hoping...

If you couldn't tell already, I'm a big fan of the Green Lantern, particularly the latest incarnation, Kyle Rayner.  When Kyle received the Green Lantern ring, he didn't have a clue as to how to use it, but he's learned, and recently has become a force to be reckoned with, as shown by his inclusion in the Justice League of America.  Although still a little weak, he has the potential to become the most powerful superhero of the Modern Age.  Besides Green Lantern, I'm also buying Green Arrow (and very much looking forward to the Kevin Smith revamp...), The Incredible Hulk (but with Peter David gone, I don't know if I'll be picking it up anymore, we'll see), JLA (and any related tie in), Nightwing, Captain America, Thunderbolts, Wonder Woman (at least until I find out what is up with Donna Troy), and several miscellaneous comics that catch my eye week after week.

Comics aren't the only things in my life, I've recently met a beautiful woman that I've fallen for big time (just imagine that, a comic geek with  a girlfriend, is that an oxymoron or what?).  Click here and see my shrine to her (it's still under construction, but there are some pictures and I think the sentiment is there).  In addition, I'm a kind of movie junkie.  There really wasn't much to do in Prescott, the two major choices were going out and getting drunk or spending time with friends and watching movies.  Being the good little boy I am, I opted for the latter.  I just love sitting down and watching a good movie.

There, you know enough about me to get by, now go away (and enjoy the rest of the page...)
