The switch to the web, great or terrible? The greatest question to be asked was if this switch to the web was great or terrible. This is my mind was a horrible thing. The things we lost were unbearable to live without. We left behind Valken the first cleric ever to rez, we lost Kruass for a little bit of time, and many countless others which touched our hearts with healthiness and laughter. All the people that left during the switch to the web, I give you salutes and a good luck. I have realized with this switch many of the elders have left or changed their professions and names, making it hard to figure out who is the elders and knows a lot. This switch has brought us almost more lags. The pain we felt in this switch was unbearable to me for I could not make the switch but not only me but others were hard hit, losing items, family and friends. I lost my sister Ruba and my mom Llyn and if any of you know who Ruba gave her stuff to tell me. =) This was something which we did not have to endure. If things had stayed the way they were the realms would be good again.