A Bit About Me!
This is the bit that strays a bit away from Star Trek, as this is about ME!
I live in Solihull, near Birmingham, England, and go to a school called Solihull School which is close to where I live. I have done some work on the school Chemistry Web Page, so if you get chance, please go and have a look.
I am a member of a Rock/Pop Band called Sanctuary, and I am lead singer. If you live in the Birmingham area (or anywhere else for that matter), please E-Mail us if you want us to a gig, and we'll see what we can do. Also E-Mail us if you want a demo tape, or a copy of our album, the demo tapes are £1 + P&P, and the albums are £7 + P&P.
I also like watching many TV programmes, especially Star Trek and The Simpsons.
I have many friends, and if you go to my links page, you can visit a few of their home pages, as well as many others that I think are cool!
Thats enough about me, other than to say, if you want to E-Mail me, Click below, and there is also a link go go back to my home page.