By R. A. Stott - ArkNorth

SCENE: A dark dark room. All that can be seen is a bead of light running up a cable running from the top of the frame to the bottom. As the camera follows the cable down, the theme from The Godfather wafts through. The camera finally lands on a hooded lamp shade. From this spot the camera tilts down to reveal a large glowing orb with jowls - Vector Godfather.

VECTOR GODFATHER: (Mumbling through cotton swabs)

So, I see that you've finally come to see me, my son... What's troubling you that I may rectify this situation? Hummm?

OPTIMUS PRIME: (Sitting in a chair across from V G)

Er... It's... It's Megatron, Vector Godfather... He's come up with another gestalt...


Yesss, I know, I know... I gave it to him...

OPTIMUS PRIME: (Leaning forward in his chair)

Vector Godfather! WHY!?

ALPHA TRION: (Entering from the black background, and voiced by special guest star Rick Moranis)

Do NOT question the wisdom of Vector Godfather!

VECTOR GODFATHER: (Hushing the spitting A-3)

Ummm... That's alright, Trion...

(To Prime) He promised me a little favor... I told him I'd see what I could do...

OPTIMUS PRIME: (Falling back in his chair)

See what you could DO!? Vector Godfather, his gestalt just tore the west wing off Metroplex and fed it to Trypticon!


Oooh, that's too bad... Maybe you could do something for me... Then I could, say, even the score a bit?

OPTIMUS PRIME: (Leaning forward in his chair again)

Yes, yes! Anything!


Ummm... Very good! Megatron got me this nice cube of Cybertronian Mecha-Steel - vary rare these days...

OPTIMUS PRIME: (Examining the cube closely)

Isn't that Starscream's faceplate there?


Do NOT question the wisdom of Vector Godfather!

STARSCREAM: (From inside the cube)

'Sides, it only hurts when I laugh! - ERK!


You see, I have a special... ummm, how should I say this... project? I need this Mecha-Steel for it... I could use another block about the same size... do you think you could get me one?

OPTIMUS PRIME: (Standing up)

Yes! Yes! Of course I can! Anything my Godfather!


Mmmm, you're such a nice boy!

ACTION: Vector Godfather creates an arm of pure energy. At the end pointing at Optimus is a 'hand' with a ring on it. The ring has a large jewel in it that is displaying a rotating Autobot and Decepticon shield (stolen off of many a web-site). Optimus reaches down and attempts to 'kiss' the ring, in the process getting a face full of electro-static energy. After he clears his head of the reverberating charge, Optimus wheels around, and leaves the room.


Such a nice boy! Yesss.....

What else have you got for me, Trion?

OPTIMUS PRIME: (Outside Vector Godfather's Chamber)

Optimus to Hot Rod! Optimus to Hot Rod! I have a special mission for you!

(To himself) This'll get him for getting me trashed in the movie!


What does Vector Godfather need with two blocks of Mecha-Steel? Will Optimus really hand Hot Rod over? Is Alpha Trion Moranis the right voice here, or should he be a voice du jour. LET ME KNOW! Send me your ideas, storylines, what have you!

[email protected]

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