In Memoriam

Barbara Ann (Stott) Doms
2/8/56 - 2/15/99

Today, my muse has died. And a part of me is now silent and void.

But in my sister's passing, I ask you all to enjoy her work or enjoy work I have done for her or with her. To celebrate her being here with us for too short a time. My sister was very important to me, and I shall miss her so. I can remember many fond memories of her, and few bad. That is the way I wish it to be, and I shall forever be in her debt. Let her soul now move on to a better place, free as she was, my Mother Nature.

In her passing, my only plea to those who visit this site is to help our fellow man. Consider signing an Organ Donor Card. It just may save your own muse.

In Loving Memory from her brother,
Robert A. Stott
Denivan Media Services