new being...
like the earth we are one being, in realizing this fact we becomecloser to fiction and closer to truth, as it is not of this nature to be one with reason but of and rather with life, the circle knows no boundaries, and the future knows no sett structure of being, as does the past, but even in the past do we not consistantly rewrite it? in turns of adventure and being, we know no stance greater than or own, for we alone can face nature but we can never defeat it, and in these times of modern day enlightenment why would we want to detroy our mother, and our father, for they are who created us, and they are who has raised us, granted we are one of our own, but we are rather one of them as we are of the earth, as our feet touch the ground and our eyes touch the sky, modern prophets do not see this intgration as did the ancient ones, we are magicians, and we are the earths own way of being, we do the work she can not, as she does what we cannot, in a gaint circle, fragment by the square that we are, nature verse technology, only together may we defeat the forces that affect us both, and in this we can live in utter peace and security.
on stories of the earth...
on stories of the earth...
while walking through the streets of new york, i began to feel a sudden change in the ground, it was of immense proportion, i beagn asking the earth what it was doing to cause such strange sensations,
and in this it began to reveal the story of the sky, and at how during the early days there were holes forming in the sky, so the earth created mountains and trees, these mountains and trees plugged the holes in the sky and filled the air so it was not damaged,
but after a while, the earth noticed that it was not able to keep up with all of the holes forming in the sky, and this troubled the earth, so she created rivers, these rivers moved through out the lands and at any moment could fill the sky wherever it needed it,
but once agin the earth noticed that the skies holes were up to high for it to reach, this again troubled the earth, so she created humans, a nomatic creature, she knew as we progressed through life and our time here on eareth, we would build great structures that would eventually be able to reach the holes to high for her to fill, so we inturn began to build houses and buildings, the cities and as we did not realize, but our earth did, these holes again
became to high for us to fill, this is the reason she allowed us to build computers and flying machines, these machines were better able to handle the holes in the sky and to fill wherever the sky needed, computers would from the beginning allow us to create bigger and better things that would be faster and more accurate in the filling and in the protecting of the earth from other things in the universe.
but the story does not end there, in time it shall be revealed even more stories, and these will eventually return us to the creation of the earth and of the universe,
soon, oh very soon...