transformation: Sabretooth-tiger / cassette "GRRRROWWWLLL!!!" CYBERTOOTH has the unique ability to see through his enemy's skin by the use of radar vision, so that he can see his enemy's weak spots and injuries. He attacks by jumping onto a victim from an ambush, piercing his teeth into his enemy's neck cutting through his energon-vains, which can kill him instantly. On his back he carries two highly concentrated narrow beam pulse lasers, with which he can fire through relatively thick armor, damaging his enemy's weak spots like joints and energon-vains. Cybertooth's weaponry enables him to kill or severely wound even the largest Autobots. Therefore he often takes enormous risks by attacking Autobots much larger than himself, who could easily kill him in a single shot. He is less agile but stronger and more durable than his brother Ravage, but also much more bad tempered. He often disobeys orders and snarls at his fellow Decepticons. Sometimes he even goes into raging frenzies, and starts biting into everything within his reach. |