Aventeur Class Interplanetary Explorer

U.N.S.S Lewis and Clark near Saturn
U.N.S.S. Lewis and Clark near Saturn
Image scanned from the Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology by Fred Goldstein

In the early 21st century, human spaceflight endeavours started looking towards the outer solar system for missions. One of the first shps with the endurance for this type of mission was the Aventeur class of sublight explorers. Among the ships in this class was the UNSS Lewis and Clark, which under the command of Colonel Shaun Jeffery Christopher, underwent the first manned mission to Saturn.

Like the DY-100 class of ships, the Aventeur consisted of a modular design which allowed it to undergo many different missions, from cargo carrying to long range exploration. This was also the first ship class to be used to harvest teh vast amounts of materials available in the asteroid belt just past Mars.


Length: 125 m
Beam: 28.5 m
Draught: 28.5 m
Mass: 2.81 million kg

Officers: 3 (Captain, First Mate, Engineer)
Crew: 12
Passengers: 94
Total Capacity: 109
6 Amjet-II Fission rockets
1 Emergency LH2/LO2 rocket in the detachable primary life support module
Sustainable Acceleration: 0.2 g
Maximum Thrust: 135,000 kg per fission engine
Cruising velocity: 700,550 km/hr
Standard range: 150 million km (Earth-Mars)
Maximum range: 2.57 million km (Earth-Saturn)
Duration: 288 days @ a crew of 15

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