Borchardt Class Patrol/Escort

Drawings, writeup, and original design by Robert Dunehew

Borchardt Class Escort
Borchardt Class Escort

General Specifications:
Length: 63m
Width: 65m
Height: 19m

Max Warp: 4.5 (Emergency warp speed 4.75)
Max Impulse: 0.25 lightspeed

Crew: 12 officers, 36 enlisted

Armaments: One quad-mount laser cannon turret (fwd arc) and two missile launchers (fwd).

About Ship: The Borchardt class vessel was a contemporary of the Horizon-class cruisers. With a maximum Warp Factor (old reckoning) of 4.5, the Borchardt was the fastest starship of its day, but suffered from poor range. The Borchardts were used primarily to protect unarmed transports in convoys, but saw occasional service as front-line combatants in their capacity as patrol vessels along the Romulan border. The Borchardts gained a reputation as a fast ship that could sustain appalling damage and continue to function.

115 Borchardts had been built by the end of its production run, at the end of the Romulan war. 45 Borchards were destroyed in action, 17 are missing in action, four are maintained as displays in Federation museums, and the remainder were demilitarized and sold for civilian use.

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