Odysseus Class Exploration Cruiser

Images and original design by Paul C. Cargile. Used with his permission

USS Odysseus
USS Odysseus

The Daedalus class starships were proven to be very useful in the early days of the Federation. But, as the last quarter of the 22nd century came around, it became obvious that the aging fleet of cruisers would soon need a successor. Hence, Star Fleet decided to bring the Odysseus class into production. The Odysseus made use of new advances in warp drive technology to achieve much greater speeds while being much larger than its predecessor. It contained more crew, scientific research bays, and a much larger shuttlebay than the Daedalus, allowing it to carry a total of three lifting body shuttlecraft.

Although the Tritium class project was deemed a failure by most in R&D, one of its components did find its way into furture starship models, the ion particle accelerator cannon, or particle beam, for short. Like the Daedalus, the Odysseus was equipped with both lasers and fusion missiles, but it also took advantage of this latest in weapons technology with the addition of the particle beams.


Length: 234 m
Height: 55.5 m
Mass: 150,000 tons
Officers: 25
Crew: 250
Mission Specialists: 20
Warp: 2 3rd Generation Warp Drive Nacelles
Max Warp: 4.5
Cruise: 4.0
Impulse: 1 Dual fusion thrust impulse drive
8 laser banks (2 fore, 2 aft, 2 port, 2 starboard)
10 particle beam cannons (3 fore, 3 aft, 2 port, 2 starboard)
3 missile tubes (2 fore, 1 aft)

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