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Constellation Class Heavy Cruiser
(Eg. USS Enterprise NCC 1701)
Length= 310 metres
Width= 140 metres
Height= 94 metres
Weight= 208,743,000 metric tons
Computers= Type M-6A
Transporters= 4 standard 6 person, 4 combat 12 person, and 3 cargo
Crew= 350
Passengers= 20
Shuttlecraft= 8
Maximum Cruising Speed= Warp 6
Emergency Speed= Warp 8.7

Enterprise Class Cruiser
(Eg. USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A)
Length= 322 metres
Width= 131 metres
Height= 78 metres
Weight= 197,543,000 metric tons
Computers= Type M-7A
Transporters= 4 standard, 4 combat, and 4 cargo
Crew= 422
Passengers= 50
Shuttlecraft= 10
Maximum Cruising Speed= Warp 8.1
Emergency Speed= Warp 9.9

Intrepid Class Starship
(Eg. USS Voyager NCC 74656)
Length= 1130 feet
Weight= 1,500,000 metric tons
Transporters= 2 standard and 4 cargo
Crew= 200
Shuttlecraft= 4
Maximum Cruising Speed= Warp 9.975

Sagen Class Research Vessel
(Eg. USS Grissom)
Length= 180 metres
Width= 105 metres
Height= 62 metres
Weight= 59,335,000 metric tons
Computers= Type M-1
Transporters= 2 standard, 5 combat, and 4 cargo
Crew= 80
Mission Specialists= 10
Shuttlecraft= 4
Maximum Cruising Speed= Warp 5.5
Emergency Speed= Warp 8.0

Avenger/ Miranda Class Heavy Frigate
(Eg. USS Reliant)
Length= 235 metres
Width= 141.7 metres
Height= 67.8 metres
Weight= 165,000,000 metric tons
Computers= Type M-4A
Transporters= 3 standard, 2 combat, and 4 cargo
Crew= 140
Passengers= 15
Shuttlecraft= 5
Maximum Cruising Speed= Warp 7.0
Emergency Speed= Warp 9.4

Exelsior Class Battleship
(Eg. USS Excelsior NX-2000 then NCC-2000, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B)
Length= 467 metres
Width= 186 metres
Height= 78 metres
Weight= 239,645,000 metric tons
Computers= Type M-8
Transporters= 6 standard, 6 emergency, and 3 cargo
Crew= 802
Passengers= 70
Shuttlecraft= 20
Maximum Cruising Speed= Warp 9.0
Emergency Speed= Warp 9.998

Ambassador/ Alaska Class Battlecruiser
(Eg. USS Enterprise NCC 1701 C)
Length= 350 metres
Width= 200 metres
Height= 100 metres
Weight= 286,605,000 metric tons
Computers= Type M-9A
Transporters= 5 standard, 3 combat, 3 cargo, and 5 emergency
Crew= 400
Marines= 100
Passengers= 150
Shuttlecraft= 6 standard and 10 battle
Maximum Cruising Speed Warp 8.77
Emergency Speed Warp 9.639

Ascension Class Dreadnought
(Eg. USS Star Empire)
Length= 298.8 metres
Width= 141.7 metres
Height= 77.8 metres
Weight= 245,000,000 metric tons
Computers= Type X (Classified)
Transporters= 3 standard, 3 combat, 4 cargo, and 2 emergency
Crew= 330
Passengers= 20
Marines= 50
Shuttlecraft= 3 standard, 4 battle, and 4 cargo/troop carrier
Maximum Cruising Speed= Warp X.X (Classified)
Emergency Speed= Warp X.X (Classified)


D-7 Battle Cruiser
(Eg. The "Tong")
Length= 214.3 metres
Width= 152.4 metres
Height= 57.3 metres
Officers= 10
Enlisted Crew= 375
Maximum Velocity= Warp 9.9
Cruising Speed= Warp 6.3

Bird Of Prey
(Eg. The "Pagh" or HMS-Bounty)
Length= 176 metres
Width= 161.2 metres
Height= 36 metres
Officers= 2
Enlisted Crew= 10
Maximum Speed= Warp 9.8
Cruising Speed= Warp 6.1

D'Daridex/Executioner Class Warbird
(Eg. Any Warbird you see)
Type 1
Length= 428 metres
Width= 190 metres
Height= 92 metres
Weight= 200,000,000 metric tons
Crew= 350
Troops= 200
Shuttlecraft= 5
Maximum Speed= Warp 9.1
Cruising Speed= Warp 7.1

Type 2
Length= 455 metres
Width= 194 metres
Height= 102 metres
Weight= 225,000,000 metric tons
Crew= 400
Troops= 300
Shuttlecraft= 7
Maximum Speed= Warp 9.7
Cruising Speed= Warp 7.5


Ferengi Marauder
Length= 580 metres
Width= 500 metres
Height= 135 metres
Weight= 200,000,000 metric tons
Crew= 500
Maximum Speed= Warp 8
Cruising Speed= Warp 5


Galor Class Warship
Category= Battle Cruiser
Built= Cardassia Prime Ship Yards
Commissioned= 2351
Length= 442.5meters
Width= 217 meters
Height= 104.3 meters
Weight= 145,000,000 metric tons
Cargo Capacity= 5,000,000 tons
Number of Decks= 19
Officers= 91
Enlisted Crew= 274
Civilians= 1(Political Officer)
Total Emergency Capacity= 15,000
Warp Reactor= Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Normal Cruise Speed= Warp 7
Max Cruise Speed= Warp 9.2
Max Speed= Warp 9.8
Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Key Element= Dilithium Crystal
Transporters= 3 Regular, 3 Combat and 2 Cargo
Expected Lifetime= 80 Years
Number of upgrade/layovers= 160
Time between resupply= 1 Year
Time between refit= 15 Years
Intra Ship= Voice and Data Ship to Ship Comms
Transfer Speed= 14.7 Kiloquads/Second Subspace
Comms Speed= Warp 9.9997
Sensor High Resolution Range= 3 Light Years Sensor
Medium Resolution Range= 10 Light Years
Main Disrupter Banks= 8,000,000 Watts
Number of Fore Ion Torpedo Tubes= 1
Number of Aft Ion Torpedo Tubes= 1
Maximum Number of Torpedoes/Spread= 15
Number of Main Disrupter Banks= 7

A Star Trek Story...

Star Trek vs.Star Wars
By James Wood

Patrick Stewart as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
Jonathan Frakes as Cmdr. William T. Riker
LeVar Burton as Lt. Cmdr. Geordi LaForge
Micheal Dorn as Lt. Worf
Marina Siritis as Counseler Deanna Troi
Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher
Brent Spiner as Lt. Cmdr. Data

Cast: Star Wars
Mark Hamilton as Luke Skywalker
Harrison Ford as Han Solo
James Earl Jones as Darth Vader
and uh, whoever as Leia, R2-D2, and C3PO

Special Guest Appearances:
John de Lance as Q
Bill Clnton as himself (How did he get in here?)
Barney as himself (Help this story!!!)
(no droids were harmed during the making of this story)

"Captain's Log: Stardate 283738273.0, the Enterprise is en route to intercept a hunk of space junk floating around at hyperspeed."dictated the captain. "Mr. Data, give me a scan of the ship." "The ship is equipped with weapons from a long, long, long time ago in a galaxy not so far from here." Stated the golden skinned android. "Any life signs?" asked the captain. "Yes, one unidentified and unusually hairy life form and three humans." replied Mr. Worf. "Hail them Mr. Worf" Ordered Picard. "They do not have a viewscreen, however I could modify the wide band communications array to send out a message they could pick up. Whew!" "Make it so, this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise, identify yourselves." "I have not yet modified it, sir." said Worf "Oh," "It is ready Captain." "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise, identify yourselves." "This Han Solo of the Millenium Falcon, we've encoutered some sort of, wait a minute how do I know that you aren't just a imperial spy trying to gain information about the rebels?" Captain Picard replied "We assure you we are not Imperial, what ever they may be." Data thought for a moment,"Captain, I believe he is referring to the Galactic Imperial Empire that ruled half the sector in the age of the Modtso, the empire was extremely powerful but..." "Thank you Mr. Data." Interrupted the captain. "I'm not taking any chances, Mr. Worf, raise the shields and prepare for battle." "They have cut off transmission." Stated Worf. "Captain, there shields are extremely weak, we could beam them..." Data's statement was cut off by a small trembel of the Enterprise. "Captain," said Soon-To-Be-Dead security officer. "I believe that if this story goes any further I will die, so I demand that we stop this..." and then all of a sudden Q appeared and pointed his finger at the security guard. "You are abolutly correct Very-Very-Soon-To-Be-Dead security guard" Said Q as the security guard fell to the ground, lifeless. "Well, you knew that was going to happen sooner or later." remarked Q, as all the extras in the cast started getting into escape pods and flying away. "Q, what do you have to do with this plot?" Questioned Picard. "Not much, I just got board in the continuum and decided to pay a visit to...why is that piece of space junk firing weapons at you?" "If you must know, that is the Millenium Falcon..." "Oh, yes I paid them a visit once in the age of Ladkto, right after the Modtso age. I despised that young Jedi Luke Skywalk..." Picard interrupted "Jedi?" Data added "The Jedi Knights were a band of humans and humanoids that knew how to use the powers of the mind properly, there are still a few..." Q and Picard said at the same time "That's is quite enough Mr. Data." Q said, "I don't like the layout of this story, I think I will change it to a script. and he snapped.

Q: Much better

Han Solo VO (Voice Over): We have decided that you are not Imperial Forces, we will dock immeadiat...

Chewie VO: ARGGGR!!!

Han Solo VO: What do you mean we're too large to do...

(Han Solo interrupted by a beam of light taking him to the other ship) Han Solo: What just happened?

Luke: These are new powers of the force, I suppose.

Picard: It is a pleasure to meet you all, this is Soon-To-Be-Dead security officer #2

(Chewie pulls out laser set for "400 degrees, perfect for security" and shoots security #2)

Riker: Well, now we don't have to wait for him to die.

C3-PO: This is the strangest droid I have ever seen.

Data: I am a soong-type android with the ability to speak 1,000,000,000 languages, I also have feelings, tear ducts, many girlfriends, and I have met my creator.

C3-PO: I am a C3-PO unit with ability to speak 1,000,000,000,000,000 languages, I have the equivilant of emotions, no tear ducts and no girlfriends, I have never met my creator, C3-POs are mass produced.

Data: I am one of a kind.

(Luke pulls out light-sabre and kills Dead-Security.....)

(Ominous music plays)

Q: Are you tired of those old, used spaceships, do you want higher quality laser weapons? Then come on down to Crazy Q's new starship center and get crazy, (Q2 appears)

Q2: Are you trying to swindel people out of thier latinum again?

Q: Well...

Q2: Who's idea was it to cut to a commercial during a book anyway?

Q: Well, it was mine but...

Q2: We're turning you into a human again!!!

Q: NO!!! NO!!!

(Q reappears on the enterprise to find C3-PO's parts lying on the floor and Chewie and Worf in combat)

Q: Did I miss something fellow mortals?

Data: Yes you did, Q, I dismantled C3-PO to find he is a very unsophisticated droid. Chewie and Worf had an argument over whether to eat Klingon grubs or Wookie blood pie. Riker and Han Solo are playing poker in Ten-Forward, Captain Picard and Luke Skywalker are dueling in the gym, Wesley and Yoda are testing each others wits. And Troi, Dr. Crusher and Princess Leia are trying to see who can pick the best dessert on the menu (and don't ask me why).

Q: What can I do?

Data: You could go up against Darth Vader and see who is the worst villian.

Q: Sounds good.

(A few hours later)

Darth Vader: What deeds have you done to discourage the crew of the Enterprise?

Q: I am planning to do this soon. (snaps and brings Clinton and Barney on board)

Barney: Let's sing a song, I love you, You love,

(Darth Vader pulls out light Sabre and chops Barney's head off)

Q: Good, now I know it is annoying.

Clinton: Ross Perot said 'If you don't vote for me, don't vote for Clinton' I would like to show you how wrong he is.

(The next day)

Clinton: and that is why you should vote for me.

(Q snaps Clin ton and dead Barney back to the 20th century)

Darth Vader (half-awake): You out did me.

Q: Hey my powers are back, thank you Q2! Now to go see that poker game. (Q snaps himself invisible and goes to the poker game)

Han Solo: How do you do that, that's your 100th strait today!!!

Riker: I call it luck.
(Riker's chips are as high as the ceiling and Han only has 1)

Han Solo: I guess that's the end of the game!

Riker: I guess so.

Q: Now to check on Picard.

Luke: It doesn't look like you'll win this time Captain.
(The sensor over Luke's heart beeps as Picard stabs Luke extremely hard)

Picard: Oh, it doesn't?

Luke: Well, I guess we should get packed up.

Picard: Farewell.

Q: Now for Worf and Chewie

(Worf Slams Chewie's head into the replicator and the replicator makes Klingon grubs and Chewie falls unconcious)

Worf: Victory is mine!!!

Q: Well, time for the girls.
(Q transports to Deanna's quarters where everyone inside looks sick)

Troi: More choclate cheesecake?

(Dr. Crusher runs to the bathroom and throws up)

Troi: I'll take that as a no. Leia?

Leia: No thanks. How about some ice cream.

Troi: What flavor?

Leia: Chocolate.

Troi: Why not, I guess Dr. Crusher lost the bet, she was the first to throw up, (Troi takes a large spoonful of ice cream and Leia runs to the bathroom and throws up as well.)

Troi: I guess I won!

Q: Well, I guess all that's left is the boy and Yoda.

Yoda: What is the basic quantum physic that holds the universe together?

Wesley: That's an easy one, gamma particle 827192837382927.

Yoda: Correct

Wesley: What does 5 + 2- 4 X 25 + 600 X 2=?

Yoda: uh 2,000?

Wesley: No, 1,350.

Yoda: You are a wise young man. We are leaving soon. Nice to meet you.

Wesley: The feeling is mutual.

(A Few Hours Later)

Han Solo: Bye Riker!

Darth Vader: Bye Q!

Leia: Bye Troi and Dr. Crusher!

Luke: Bye Captain Picard!!!

Yoda: Bye Wesley!!!



(Millenium Falcon leaves)

Data: They forgot the pieces of their droid!!!

Q: Well, I guess that's the end!!!