Bubblegum Crash!:
Geo Climbers

Geo Climbers

This episode is, in my opinion, an improvement over the last one, but that's really not saying much. Most people tend to think that this one is worse. I just happen to like it because it (presumably) sheds some light on Sylia's past and her father's work.

This time we are introduced to ADAMA, the second generation Boomer who was created by Doctor Haynes, one of Katsuhito Stingray's living associates, to be a friend to humanity. Doctor Yuri becomes insanely jealous about how Doctor Haynes performed better with Doctor Stingray's research than he did. Therefore, he kills Doctor Haynes after siding with the not-so-Mysterious Voice and then steals ADAMA to further the Mysterious Voice's plans. The MV (getting tired of writing that out) treats Doctor Yuri like the crud on the bottom of his shoes and gives no indication that Yuri is getting anything out of the detail, but who are we to look into the minor details?

Sylia Stingray decides to chase down Yuri for No Apparent Reason. She sends Priss, Linna, and Nene to find ADAMA while she does next to nothing except sit by a phone and wait for calls. Such is the life of a lingerie shop owner. Sylia brings up that she wants to preserve her father's legacy, something she had never shown an interest in before. Suddenly, she's a romantic, according to Priss, anyhow. So Priss, naturally, goes down into the sewers and finds ADAMA. A lot of all too easy to kill Boomers follow them around until Priss gets to Geocity, an underground city at which Linna has a membership to play golf, the Japanese past time that I will never understand. ADAMA connets to a supercomputer and uploads his thoughts, data, and memories into it. Then Doctor Yuri shows his putrid face (with hair that seems a little too much like Colonel Lando's) and challenges Priss and ADAMA by using his large, crab-like Boomer with a brain so dense (a little like the writer's) that not even ADAMA could access it. Then Linna and Nene appear, saving Priss but losing ADAMA under a big thing that conveniently toppled down onto him when Sylia was firing lasers to protect Priss. Priss goes out and battles the crab thing, winning (what did you expect?). Sylia does the one truly interesting thing in this episode when she briefly toys with Doctor Yuri before blowing three nice holes in his chest. Then Lar... um, the MV tells Sylia all about his grand utopia of terror. Priss reforms from her evil anti-Boomers ways and all's well because Nene wants to eat something.

If that sounds confusing, it shouldn't. The episode was very straight forward. It made the same big mistake that many fanfictions make in having Sylia appear concerned about other people, something she hardly was during the original series. Then there's Priss unexplained hatred of Boomers. Priss never indicated that she hated Boomers before this (unless you go by this detestable dubs) so this came as a surprise and an annoying subplot, because god knows the subplots must always revolve around Priss overcoming something that burdens the team. I thought Sylia's pissed-off expression at the finale was sort of neat, though. Sadly, it changed when Priss started talking to her. Nene and Linna remained without personality, although they proved themselves to be sadists by forcing Priss to go into the sewers after a fixed game of rock-scissors-paper (a similar thing once happened to me, but I didn't find a Boomer in the sewers).

By the end of this episode anyone should know who the MV is. If not, here's a clue: WATCH THE END CREDITS. A familiar name will appear as the seiyuu who played the MV. Although I love the idea of the MV winning and killing off all of humanity sort of like how I love the idea of Sylia enforcing regulation eleven, I think it would have been nice for Sylia to envision his plans a little better. A computer exploding in her face leaves a little to be desired.

Like most people, the thing about this episode that bothered me the most was ADAMA. If ADAMA had looked like a human, say a fourteen year old male, which I assume is about what he was supposed to be, he would have been more believable. Instead he was clunkier than the 'new and improved' Hardsuits. He made those "blip" sounds that are all too common in eighties films... yet this was made in the early nineties. The thing about this episode that makes me like it better than the first one is that it gives more history to Sylia and the Boomers as a whole. I'm at a loss for how Doctor Haynes and Doctor Yuri survived Mason's wrath, if you could call it that, but as always, details are not something that the writers of any BGC works took into account very often.

This episode may be even more cliched than the first one, but in the long run it's probably superior.

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