Bubblegum Crash!:


There's a certain degree of wonder found only in those scenes in which Sylia and Largo are floating nude together in his mind and yet he never makes a pass at her. What sort of fool is that man?

Okay, the MV has been revealed to be... Largo! Yes, he has returned from the dead... again... in order to cause a Boomer Revolution that, according to all logic he has access to (ie: not much), should result in him taking over the planet with Sylia at his side. Largo engineered a series of Boomer rampages that were caused by him dumping the second generation AI into the internet. When Boomers were being energized via computers connected the Net, the virus, for lack of a better term, would be downloaded into their systems and they would go berserk. This was happening more and more frequently and the AD. Police were overloaded with requests to stop Boomers from killing their owners. There's a really great scene in which the waitress from episode one pours boiling coffee down the throat of her owner.

The Knight Sabers learn of this and decide to take on the job pro bono. Sylia gets some information from Mackie, who is in Germany, and with information on the new AI installed into Nene's Hardsuit, the Knight Sabers go to see what sort of good deed they can perform for the day. Their first stop is at a military base, or was that the ADPHQ, where military Boomers are going mad and have taken over the base. The Knight Sabers hardly finish the job before a travesty of copyright laws appears on the side of a building and demands "more data." This thing, which resembles F.G. Frederick only is less impressive, is shot down by the Knight Sabers. He is the product of many Boomers joining together to form a single monstrosity. Funny how all those multicolored Cyberdroids became a gray mass of idiocy so quickly.

Then Sylia and the others realize that there are a lot more explosions occurring. This is pretty typical of a city like MegaTokyo, only something occurs to Sylia: These explosions are in the direction of the MegaTokyo Nuclear Fusion Reactor! My god, no! So the Knight Sabers head off in that direction despite the fact that they have no idea what is causing all the explosions. Totally unprepared, they meet Largo look-alikes. Sylia goes into the boring machine to find the real Largo, who is now in the infamous Glorified Testtube (so calls it the mistress of the Shrine to Sylia Stingray and Largo, ironically one of the world's foremost pro-BGC! advocates). Sylia takes a stroll into her boyfriend's mind where he mentally undresses her and then tells her that he is now a tree-hugging obsessive-compulsive who wants to save the world. How very Nausicaa of him. After Priss, Nene, and the Other One (poor Linna) go through hell, Sylia breaks free of Largo's mental grip on her and sends him to hell. Sadly, he is still living in her mind, so no matter what action she takes, she's screwed. And so the story comes to an end.

All the best parts of BGC are wrapped up into an unfortunate package when they appear in this episode. This is definitely the best one of the three, but it's bothersome to see Priss pull knives out of her legs, hardly wincing in the process, and then say that she's not fighting for money when they weren't getting paid in the first place. And then there's the hinted-at lack of attention given to Linna.

What makes this episode great is that Sylia and Largo finally get to confront one another. I was dying to see this happen. The bad part is that Largo is a little like the wussy chess-playing nerd who is desperately in love with the gorgeous popular girl at school. Whereas Sylia is beauty incarnate, Largo looks like mold with a creepy red eye. It's possible that Largo's speeches about saving the earth are purely because he wants to manipulate Sylia into aiding him but it's hard to say. If nothing else, Bubblegum Crash! got across a point about the state of the world and mankind in a very clear manner, unlike BGC and The AD. Police Files. In that respect, it is better than the other two series. It did not beat around the bush with vague language and motorcycles. It got right to the point. A point surrounded by mindless combat scenes, but a point nonetheless.

This is the only BGC! episode that I enjoy watching, possibly more so than I enjoy all of BGC's episodes save for five and six. It gives new insight into two wonderful characters and confirms my suspicions that Sylia is a Cyberdroid, something that so many BGC fans who like BGC! still insist on contesting endlessly.

Meltdown is an episode to own, unlike the other two. If you like combat, this had it. If you like to hear Sylia, Linna, or Nene sing, the ending theme will work for you. If you like Largo, you'll love this. If you want to kill off all humans and make the world a better place, this is your episode. If you're one of those Sylia fans who was willing to wipe Priss off the face of the earth because Sylia never got her own episode, watch this one. If you are a die hard BGC fan who just wants to get the series over with, this is a must. But if you are none of those things, I wouldn't bother with it. As it is, most people miss out on the point of the episode and just whine about how part most of the art is.

(As a completely non-impartial judgment, I think that the series' best art, excluding the credits, comes from the scenes between Largo and Sylia.)

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