Bubblegum Crisis
Desktop Themes

Desktop Themes

    The Bubblegum Crisis Desktop Theme

    This is the BGC desktop theme created by Ben Kosse. The theme isn't particularly hideous, but I'm not all that impressed with it, which is why it isn't on my computer (it was for about five minutes, though). The wallpaper is grainy and dominated by a choice character. The icons are all dominated by this same character, as are the sounds. Basically, you get a load of Priss. If you like her, it's great. If you prefer Sylia, Linna, or Nene, too bad. As it is, Sylia does not appear in any icons and has one sound that plays. If it weren't for the creator's obvious preferences, namely Nene and Priss, this theme would be a great deal better than it is. However, the graphics are only so-so and the rest of it is painful if you get tired of hearing Priss talk every time you do anything on your computer.


    I created the following wallpaper, all of which turned out okay. They are 640x480 pixels, and in JPEG format. You may or may not need to convert them to bitmaps or another format, depending upon your computer. Please do not resdistribute these without prior consent.

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