The MegaTokyo 2034 Network Disclaimer
Before going too far into the website, it's best to read this disclaimer at least partially concerning the things that may be of interest to you. Some of my opinions on the series may differ from your own and therefore it is best to see what I think about the series in order to better understand how I portray it.

First of all, I'll go through what I do and do not consider canon which will almost certainly make things more clear.

I do not consider the following things canon for various reasons: The R. Talsorian BGC RPGs, BGC websites, much of the text from Japanese source books, Grand Mal, popular theories or essays, fanfictions, interviews, art, and common beliefs that the videos contradict. Most of these sources are not, by my view, canon because they are biased toward and against particular characters. For instance, to be perfectly frank I do not believe that Linna is the best at close combat. I think she comes in second to Sylia. Why? Because Sylia does more close combat, and hers is generally more destructive and/or effective than Linna's. Yet several sources claim that Linna, and even Priss, are better at close combat than Sylia, which is untrue based on what the videos state. I will not ever even consider the possibility that Grand Mal is anything other than an illustrated fanfiction that was professionally published. Adam Warren changed the characters and story, made up ludicrous sciences that defy even BGC's reality, and left out key elements.

What I do consider canon above all else are the videos. What is in them is obviously true, save for a few points that make absolutely no sense and are never explained. I accept technical statistics and general histories from source books but for virtually everything else I rely on the videos.

I believe that all three BGC-related series (BGC, AD.P.F., BGC!) are canon at least in their basic storylines, though not always in the minute details such as unfounded statements from characters. Unlike most BGC fans, I think that the only problems with BGC! and AD.P.F. were so minor and unimportant that refusing to accept them as true to the BGC universe proves one to be shallow and closeminded. That is not to offend anyone, but to a degree it is true. The major problems people have with those series are not worth mentioning against them (things such as art, music, bringing Largo back, no Knight Sabers, etc.).

Outside of that, what I believe BGC was intended to be about was mecha fights and beautiful women. What an analytical mind grasps from the series is something else. About half the BGC fans on the internet can realize BGC's potential while the rest called it a babes in battlesuits anime series. BGC had more than its share of problems and will never be perfect in any way, but it had some very promising and intelligent premises in it, most of which were inexcusably neglected but at once touched on enough that fans of psychology and the question of sentience in all beings can enjoy BGC as something else than an entertaining romp through Sylia's underwear drawer.

I intend to make clearer what I believe BGC could have been in the story section. Be forewarned that my attention will be focused less on Priss' motorcycles and more on Sylia's social commentary. Hopefully this will help visitors to understand my views a little better.

I hope this page has clarified at least one or two things about my standing on the world of BGC. If not, feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, suggestions, or other feedback.

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