

Appears in: Double Vision


Kou was born into a family that worked hand in hand with Hou Bang. He was instantly a faithful servant of the syndicate, more than willing to give his life for Mister Chang and his family. When Kou was a teenager he became Mister Chang's most trusted bodyguard and, moreover, his best friend. Kou was privy to each and every thing that Mister Chang thought and talked about. Through the syndicate Kou also met Reika and Irene Chang. Upon their parent's deaths, both girls were devastated and moved in with their grandfather, who, despite being a cold man of crime, loved them dearly. Kou met the girls and befriended them, particularly Reika, who was only a few years younger than he.

When Irene left China and was killed, Reika was once again distraught. Kou provided her with comfort. Reika quit singing under the pseudonym Vision at that point, but one year later took it up again with Kou acting as her manager. It was purely false, though; in truth, Kou was helping Reika gain revenge for the deaths of her sister and parents. Kou acted alone (with Reika's consent) when he used the Genki to kill the executives from Gulf and Bradley. Later he and Reika piloted the Genki together during several attacks on GENOM.

Kou was the one piloting the Genki when Priss Asagiri struck. Priss was no match for the Genki, but Kou chose not to kill Priss, stating jokingly that he 'must have caught Miss Reika's disease,' in other words, he was feeling her inability to kill. Later Kou was angry at the presence of the Knight Sabers when they went to help him and Reika battle the Boomer Giant that was developing. Kou had set up the meeting but was unaware of how far GENOM would go to destroy its enemies. He was surprised by the attack, but the Knight Sabers saved Reika and him from death.


Kou was handsome, intelligent, loyal, and many more things. He felt very close to, perhaps loved, Reika, but he saw himself as below her status and unworthy of her return affection. Kou was willing to let himself to to jail for the crimes that he and Reika had committed together. Kou's first loyalty was always to the Changs, later to himself.

Kou was braver and stronger emotionally than Reika. He spearheaded all the more violent attacks they did and was the only one of the two who killed any people. He was not arrested for his crimes (no one said episode seven was realistic) but had offered himself to the police immediately when they appeared to question himself and Reika. Kou was the perfect choice for the Hou Bang. He was also a very talented mecha pilot and used the Genki with obvious skill.

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