The Knight Sabers' Other Mecha

Linna and Sylia piloting Motoroids

Knight Sabers' Motoroids

This section is somewhat vague because it's hard to find reliable information on the Motoroids/Motoslaves that the Knight Sabers use.

The Knight Sabers' Motoroids were truly of Sylia's own design. When she had finished the Hardsuits, Sylia began to research making larger equipment for added power and offensive/defensive capabilities. The Motoroids can function on their own or with one of the Knight Sabers inside of it. The Hardsuit hooks up to the Motoroid at various places on its form and the Hardsuit's computers can communicate with the Motoroids. The heels on the Hardsuits prove that they serve a purpose by latching onto specified protrusions from the Motoroid for improved balance.

The first Motoroid was the MSX-01 Prototype. It was a failure. It was too heavy, bulky, and clumsy. Sylia later reconfigured the MSX-01 so that it bore a large cannon on its back and a computer system comparable to that in Nene's Hardsuit. Sylia's second attempt at a Motoroid, the Hurricane Motoroid, was much better. It had a more humanoid form than the MSX-01's. Sylia created four of these, one for each Knight Sabers, though she had only one MSX-01. The Hurricane is only shown in Motoroid form in one episode before Priss gets hers destroyed. After that she uses Sylia's until, early in episode three, Mackie shows her that he built the Typhoon Motoroid. It was yet another version of the same thing, only stronger, more agile, more intelligent, and more durable. Priss and Linna both used these during combat with the BU-12Bs. The next version of the Motoroids came as the Typhoon II, Sylia's (not Doctor Raven's) grand creation. It was far more humanoid in appearance than the others had been. It had better weapons and was generally better. It could operate fully on its own and could, as all the others, link up with a Hardsuit. This was the Motoroid that saved Priss during the battle with Largo.

The Motoroids disappear after episode six, but in episode eight Mackie receives a battlesuit that Sylia created as a back-up for Nene's Hardsuit. It was large, yellow, and definitely less feminine than the others. It was armed with a gun that rivaled the ones the Motoroids used and could carry a Hardsuit in its backpack. A pair of small, robotic arms could be extended from the abdomen of the suit, allowing the suit to handle tasks like typing. It was shaped vaguely like the MSX-01.

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