Linna Yamazaki's Hardsuit

Linna Yamazaki's HardsuitLinna's Hardsuit was made for melee attacks on Boomers. Compared to Linna, most Boomers were clumsy and bulky. Linna had a good advantage over them in speed and agility. Her suit was the most agile, although Sylia did more athletics in her presumably less agile Hardsuit. Linna had greater skill than Priss for close combat so it would have seemed right for hers to have the many Knuckle Bombers, but apparently the mecha designers thought otherwise. Anyhow, Linna's weapons systems consisted almost exlusively of close combat tools. She had a Knuckle Bomber that had a better piercing ability than Sylia's because it was cone-shaped at the top. Her Knuckle Bomber could only be used so many times before it needed repairs, though, making it an important choice when Linna did and did not use it. She had a rotating cannon on her right gauntlet that had three different appertures from which small beams would spray. Her cannon was virtually worthless but it did serve as useful if her Knuckle Bomber was not functioning properly. Linna's seldom-used but very interesting weapon was her set of ribbons that cascaded down the back of her Hardsuit. When she activated them through impulses that the computers in her Hardsuit read, the ribbons could slash through nearly any substance. They were like Sylia's laser sword in that they were extremely effective for close range and could take out an enemy in under a second. With a quick snap of her neck Linna could cut a Boomer into a dozen pieces. Linna's suit was made light so that she could dodge fire and get in close to the enemy to deliver the Knuckle Bomber or ribbons. She could do little long range combat with only her beam cannons but her speed and agility made her vital during matches that needed a close-in specialist. While Linna had less training and built-in skills than Sylia, she had far more than Priss and was a definite asset for any combat that did not desire destructive force over finesse.

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