Nene Romanova's Hardsuit

Nene Romanova's HardsuitNene's Hardsuit was the one that has been questioned more than a few times regarding its function and whether or not it was necessary in battle. The truth is that Nene's Hardsuit only performed a truly important function once or twice--more often than not Sylia had Mackie or even Linna standing by with a larger computer than Nene's Hardsuit carried. The Hardsuit was designed for communications and to keep the airwaves open between the Knight Sabers while preventing interruption from outside or opposing sources such as Boomers, other mecha, or anyone else who might try to break up the Knight Sabers' communication channels. ECM/ECCM were left to Nene while the others handled the physical combat. Nene, whose fighting level was below that of "a normal girl," according to Sylia, was best left with a Hardsuit that had few weapons. She had a single laser that could be used to write on surfaces and could shoot or slash at opponents. It was worthless when Nene was cornered and forced into combat with Funk, Mason's BU-55C bodyguard. The way Nene won that fight was through pure luck: She managed to decapitate Funk when he pinned her to the ground. Nene's Hardsuit makes her stronger than a normal woman but is nothing like the other three. Sylia made very few allowances for Nene's lack of fighting skill, giving her the lightest armor, smallest power amplification, weakest jumps, and almost no weapons. Her technological weapons include scanners that the other Knight Sabers do not have. Nene's second Hardsuit can physically link to other systems and work with them as a sort of extension of whatever she hooks up to, as she showed in episode eight. The Hardsuit also gained a better cooling system so that it would be less likely to overload or overheat during her hacking and scanning. She also got slightly better armor and her HUD was enhanced again so that she could communicate with other computers visually, verbally, and technologically all at once.

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