Priss Asagiri's Hardsuit

Priss Asagiri's Second HardsuitPriss' first Hardsuit was definitely crafted for long range combat. She had the second strongest armor, something that came about when Sylia recognized that Priss' cavalier attitude in combat would get her killed if she did not have a enduring Hardsuit. Priss' armor was the second bulkiest, after Sylia's. Judging from the blows Priss takes many times, it is apparent that without the at the point where it was technologically, Priss would have died within the first episode. Priss Hardsuit could not and would not reach full flight and she had to rely on long but forced leaps. She often had to push off of other surfaces in order to take off but could land and rise easily enough, despite this. Weaponry in Priss' first generation Hardsuit was all long range. While Priss could have used her weapons at short range she did not have the right skills and therefore, whenever backed into a corner, was at a severe disadvantage. Priss had a central beam cannon that was identical to Sylia's. It would send out one blast at a time or many in quick succession depending upon what Priss wanted to do. She was the best shot of the four Knight Sabers so even without her Hardsuit aiming for her she could make seemingly impossible shots, such as hitting Sylvie in the chest in episode four. Another factor in Priss' suit was her strength. Her Hardsuit amplified her strength to a point almost equal to Sylia's, though not quite so much. Even though Priss' placement in battle was originally long range she could survive during clost combat because of Sylia's many precautions. When Priss' second Hardsuit came at the beginning of the Priss Glorification Stage starting at the end of episode six Priss gained power and fighting levels a la Dragonball Z along with her new Hardsuit. The New Hardsuit had Knuckle Bombers on the boots and her right gauntlet, a knuckle guard, S-mines that could be magnetically attached to her opponents, greater power, better speed, and more or less everything else found on the other Hardsuits, save for Nene and Sylia's HUDs. Priss' second Hardsuit was unbelievably unrealistic and made simply for the sake of her fans, but it was an impressive bit of armored ware.

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