The Mysteries of Quincy

The Mysteries of Quincy

Quincy, Chairman of GENOM, is possibly the most enigmatic character from a series that has some of the most (in)famous enigmas of the anime universe. Outside of a last name and a birth year, Quincy is a completel question mark. He often appears as a stand-in android or on a computer screen so it had been questioned if he is even human.

Quincy is the most powerful man alive by 2032. His power waned during 2034 after the incident involving Miriam Yoshida's attack on the AD. Police HQ. Quincy still emerged victorious in the end, however. Could it be possible that the man who reigns supreme is really nothing more than a computer program, though? Here is a list of reasons that some people believe Quincy is not a human:

AD. Police 25:00--Armstrong is explainging to Mason that Quincy is not going to die any time soon, and will actually be around for a lot longer than Mason would like to think. Before he can tell Mason why, Quincy conveniently cuts off Armstrong, his face appearing on the monitor where Armstrong's picture had been.

Tinsel City--Quincy is no fool, so it seems odd that he would be alone in a room with a man whom he surely knew was plotting his demise. He trusted Mason even when Mason was not, deep down inside, a devoted employee of GENOM.

Red Eyes--Quincy appears on a screen in a boardroom during a heated argument between GENOM executives, once again conveniently cutting someone off. He later agrees with meet directly with Largo. Largo realizes that he was facing a stand-in and that the man he was debating with was actually a Boomer disguised as Quincy. When he destroys the Boomer, Quincy's face appears on a screen (with perfect timing, of course) and proceeds to taunt Largo in a potentially unhealthy manner.

Double Vision--Several times Quincy, someone whom at least half the earth's population would love to kill, wanders around with any bodyguards. Later he is shot down by Kou, Reika's bodyguard, and is proven yet again to be a Boomer stand in.

Scramble Wars--It's hard to call anything from this film canon for the series, but at the beginning Quincy appears on a stage only to be attacked by nearly every BGC mecha imaginable, along with several characters from other series. When the smoke clears there is a Boomer (in boxer shorts, naturally) standing in Quincy's place. Yes, it was a stand in. The four Knight Sabers land and Nene makes the comment that it was a fake, to which Linna says something like, "What did you expect?" You know there's something going on when they joke about it in an SD feature.

There is no hard evidence about Quincy because he appears in only four BGC episodes, and usually has small parts. He has extensive parts in episodes six and seven, during which a greatl deal is revealed about him. He shows a dim compassion for humanity during episode six, which may or may not indicate that he is a human. Considering all the times Quincy appears as an unreasonably relaxed man with a cane, a Boomer, or an image on a screen, it is quite probably that at least Quincy is not who people think he is, where they think he is stationed. He may live in a trailer park in Florida for all the world knows. Unlike the similar debate about Sylia, Quincy is never revealing about his situation in life and his history is left rather vague. He was born in 1962 according to official records, but official records in MegaTokyo often lie.

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