Bubblegum Crisis
Real Audio

All of these files were created using a Real Audio encoder from The Real Audio Homepage. I made them using WAV files found at FTP sites. Because I encoded them, I would appreciate it if people would ask before posting these anywhere.

These files are not particularly large and, while not exactly CD quality, they give a fair idea of what the BGC songs sound like. Good BGC WAV files are relatively hard to find so this selection is not very large. If anyone knows where other files can be found, please let me know. Most of these files are not very large so download time should not be long.

Tokyo 2032

    The instrumental song that plays at the very beginning of Tinsel City while the city is being shown, just before Konya Wa Hurricane Starts.

Mad Machine

    Everyone knows this song, or at least should. This is the theme for episode two and the English version is used for AnimEigo's promotional clips. This version is better than the American one. Probably one of the few BGC songs that could pass off as modern. About half the song is here. Sung by Oomori Kinuko (the original Priss).

Mysterious Night

    The last good Knight Sabers' group song, you can actually pick out each seiyuu's voice when they're all singing together. Less than half the song is here, but it's worth listening to if you don't have access to a better version. Sung by Sakakibara Yoshiko, Oomori Kinuko, Tomizawa Michie, and Hiramatsu Akiko (who does the solos).

Omoide Ni Dakarete

    This is the ending theme for Moonlight Rambler, almost in its entirity. This is a slow, melancholy song that is very nice to listen to and quite expressive of the mood from its episode. One half of the song is here. It is sung by Tsubokura Yuiko.

Never the End

    Vision sings this song at the end of Double Vision. Yet another slow, romantic tune, but the lyrics are rather uplifting, unlike those of Omoide Ni Dakarete. Half its actual length. This is sung by Hashimoto Maiko.

Hateshinai Tabi--Hajimari No Toki

    The Bubblegum Crash! theme song that plays at the beginning of every episode. This song is possibly the best thing to come out of the BGC! music that appeared in the videos. This is about half the true run of the song, without sound effects. It is sung by Tachikawa Ryouko (the replacement Priss).

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