Sho and His Mother

Sho and His Mother

Sho was a young boy who had already lead a hard life. His father was killed in the Second Great Kanto Earthquake of 2025. His mother was left poor and hardly able to take care of her son. To make ends meet she had to take on a job at GENOM that involved long hours with little pay and few benefits. She saved as much of her money as possible to someday fulfill her dream of moving to the country where she felt both she and Sho could have a better life.

Sho, who had been befriended by Priss Asagiri, lived in a district that GENOM was trying to take control of in order to expand. Since the company wanted the land cheaply, they had to find a reason to make the residents want to leave. They had BU-12Bs attack the complex repeatedly to force the inhabitants to move. The government sold the land to GENOM the day after Sho's tenth birthday party, overlooking the fact that GENOM was the source of the Boomer troubles. When Priss came upon the scene and heard what was happening she picked a fight with Brian J. Mason's bodyguard, Funk. She was informed that the land was being taken over legally. The occupants of the apartments were all waiting outside as the building started to be demolished before their eyes. Sho's mother, not wanting to lose all the money she had been saving, dashed back inside long enough to be crushed by the crumbling building. Priss and Sho were both devastated. Priss was about to go out for revenge on her own but Sylia Stingray stopped her and the Knight Sabers took on GENOM as a group, presumably ending Mason's life to atone for Sho's mother's death.

The next day Priss took Sho to the same orphanage she had gone to when she was younger.


Sho and his mother were given a little of a past and some of Sho's mother's dreams were explained. But several facts stand in the way of them getting much personality. First, the golden rule that anyone who is an innocent bystander in BGC must die an ugly death, sending Priss into a rage, before he or she can develop. Second, Sho's mother was never even given a name. That makes her harder to understand. Third, Sho's mother's dream of moving to the country was so corny and overplayed in anime that it was almost laughable. The only memorable scene was when Priss escorted Sho to the orphanage, and in that case it was Priss who was interesting, not Sho or his mother.

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