Sylia Stingray's Hardsuit

Sylia Stingray's HardsuitThe Hardsuit in the data unit was the one that Sylia would base her own Hardsuit on eight years after she got the information. That Hardsuit was multi-purpose to an extent. It could handle long range, close range, and a some communication. Her Hardsuit was remarkably agile for being the heaviest and strongest of the group. She could perform acrobatics like Linna and also survive blows even more devastating than Priss' Hardsuit could take. Her Hardsuit was engineered for survival, to look at it one way, and might be called the most general of the four Hardsuits, but that would be a misnomer. In one way her Hardsuit was optimized for close combat. Most of her weapons were built for battle in close quarters. She had a version of the Knuckle Bomber that was more powerful than Linna's. It delivered a charge at point blank range and could easily rip into any of GENOM's Boomer's. In episode six she destroyed the fake Hardsuit helmet on one of the HyperBoomers using her Knuckle Bomber, proving that it could break through a Hardsuit, too. She used it to crush the head of the SuperBoomer in episode two, also. Her most impressive weapon was the laser sword. It was essentially a condensed beam of energy that could extend to a few meters in length depending upon how Sylia adjusted it for the occassion. The laser sword was a lengthened out and more powerful version of the vibroblade. The vibroblade was about thirty centimeters in length and vibrated at a speed that made its cutting power tremendous. It could tear into Boomers like a regular sword through human flesh. The edges were always heated when the blade was activated. This was the tool she used to slit Brian J. Mason's throat in episode three. In the second version of her Hardsuit the vibroblade slid out from the top of the gauntlet rather than swiveling out from the side. The second version was faster and more reasonable than the first had been; she would no longer face a struggle when trying to expose it. Sylia's long range weapons consistered of only a beam cannon. Her gauntlets were duelly armed, meaning that each one was identical to the other. Both had a beam cannon embedded in the palm. It protruded like a telescope when Sylia used it and would deliver a blow like Priss' central gun did. Sylia's Hardsuit could enter true flight, making it faster and harder to reach than the others were when they leapt. Generation two of Sylia's Hardsuit changed very little from the original, save for the vibroblades. The armor was also upgraded, almost twice as strong as it had been.

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