Is Sylia Stingray a Boomer?

Is Sylia Stingray A Boomer?

The term Boomer is rather misleading, in this case. More precisely, is Sylia Stingray an android. There are some major differences between Boomers and androids. Sylvie and Anri were androids, designed with mostly organic materials and having intelligences patterned after living beings rather than computers. They could sweat, cry, sleep, and engage in any number of physical activities. The only way to tell the difference between Sylvie or Anri and a human would be to dissect them, a rather unsavory task.

Because androids (by BGC terms) are essentially human, only with a few mild differences, it is not inconceivable that Sylia could be an android. She would not even register on sensors built into Nene's Hardsuit. Basically, it would be the perfect cover. On the other hand, she could also perform tasks such as the transmission of data between herself and a computer without having to have some ridiculous and impossible surgery done by her father. A surgery that never took place and that was so technologically moronic that only a fool would believe it to be true.

There are other possibilities with Sylia. One of them is that she is a cyborg. A cyborg (CYBernetic ORGanism) is, to put it simply, a human who has been augmented substantially. The best look at cyborgs come from The AD. Police Files episodes two and three, one of which is very extreme and the other of which is less so, and from Masamune Shirow's Ghost in the Shell, which took more than a little from BGC. If Sylia were to replace her entire brain and parts of her body, most of her abilities could be easily explained. Without being at least moderately less than human, there is no way Sylia could do what she does.

Of course, that leaves an obvious question: What does she do that makes anyone wonder if she is a Boomer or not? Here is an episode by episode analysis:

Tinsel City: Sylia downloads permanently and flawlessly the information from the data unit her father presumably created. She is also portrayed as a very cold woman who feels empathy for Boomers, but not for humans. She instantly recognizes the BU-55C as a new type even though no one else does. Sylia is also relentless and brutal in combat right from the start, as though she were born to fight.

Born to Kill: Sylia displays a certain disgust with human beings but still does not apply it to Boomers. She knows more about a Boomer's mind that anyone else in the series. Sylia is also brilliant, to use and understatement, to a point where is seems superhuman.

Blow Up: Sylia once again brings on the duty-oriented front that is rather unnatural when places in her position. She communicates with her computer at one point without using controls of any sort as compared to Mason, who was typing away the entire time he was linked to his computer. Sylia also slaughters Mason and never shows even the slightest sign of remorse.

Revenge Road: Once again, Sylia makes it apparent that she holds human beings responsible for the destruction of society and, ultimately, the planet earth. She also proves herself to be willing to sacrifice a member of her team during the Survival Game, which could mean that she would also do so during real combat. As a sort of odd side not, Sylia is the one Knight Saber never shown eating even though she takes in fluids the same way that Anri and Sylvie could.

Moonlight Rambler: Sylia reads the data from her computer (the Whiley's Jeep stuff...) in seconds flat even though it races by the screen at an incredible speed. She is also more than a little embarrassed at the idea of Sexaroids (it's a theory that she is a variant of the BU-33S). During combat with the D.D. Battlemover Sylia gets angry with Priss for not instantly killing Sylvie and then attempts to thrust her sword directly into Sylvie's chest. After the battle no damage is shown where her gauntlet was being crushed enough to send off sparks. After Sylvie is dead Sylia shows something other than understanding for Priss' predicament and tells Priss to give the data disc back to its owners, a comment that understandably upsets Priss. When the Knight Sabers are leaving the site, Sylia 'hears' Largo voice calling her voice and says 'huh.' She turns back to face the direction he spoke from and her eyes literally glow red even though everything else is in black and white. Sylia also shows her distaste for humans once again.

Sylia during her conversation with Largo

Red Eyes: Sylia proves herself to be a user in terms of when she needs a Knight Saber who is unwilling to do a job. She also begins to sacrifice her life for Linna and Nene, which would only be worthwhile if she knew that somehow she would survive the sortie. At the very end of the episode, Largo calls to her:

"Sylia... Sylia Stingray..."
"How do you know my name..?"
"I know... that you and I are two of a kind... because..."

Before Largo finished his sentence, Leon shoots him through the head and destroys him. The entire conversation took place through technological means, not through physical speech. The look of shock on Sylia's face when this conversation occurs implies that Largo knows something very personal about her, and she realizes what it is that he knows. She also manages to paralyze her with shock, something very out of the norm for the usually calm, collected leader of the Knight Sabers. When the Knight Sabers are leaving, Sylia turns around and states what Mason's true identity is.

Double Vision: Sylia is in this episode very little. The only thing that could apply to this debate is that her combat attitude is once again too cavalier for someone that her team could not survive without.

Scoop Chase: Sylia's conversation with Lisa indicates that she knows the value of the Boomers and her team as a whole. This is more her general wisdom than anything else, but it could apply in some form.

Anyone who wishes to count Soldier Blue or Bubblegum Crash! may obviously do so. They have more about this than anything else. According to Soldier Blue, Sylia had a mother at one time, but she is never given a name, or even a voice in the drama. The useful portions of the script for Meltdown can be found at The Shrine to Sylia Stingray and Largo, which has an abundance of evidence and supporting theories that do not appear on this website.

But after all that, are there any reasons that Sylia isn't a Boomer? The only ones used at these: Sylia was ten years old when the Boomers were created, and Sylia shows more emotion than Boomers. The idea that Sylia shows more emotion than Sylvie or Anri is ludicrous and blind. And if Sylia were a Boomer, she wouldn't really be ten years old when they were created. The birthdate would be fake. Boomers can regain limbs in a few minutes, so a Boomer that grows over time is not at all far fetched by BGC standards.

If anyone would like clarification of what appears on this page, or would like to post an alternate theory, I am more than open to that. Unless I get mail about it, however, this is all that will be found here.

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