Membership of AIN

The 209 million people protected by AIN are spread across two continents, from Aruba & the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean, several countries in Europe ranging from Portugal on the Iberian Penninsulla, to Scotland on Brittania, to the three nations of the Union of Benelux, To Italy, and to the Eastern European nations of Poland, Ukraine, & Romania.

These disparate and far flung nations have come to gether to assure peace and soverignty amonst themselves.

There is nothing to fear from AIN, unless you are a conqurer, foolish enough to try to capture one of the nations, as Sheffield did, for our alliance is purely a defensive one, and remains inactive unless we are invaded. While some members have outside and independent agreements with other members, and other non-members, they are completely seperate from AIN. Rest assured that AIN will not be a sword of aggression, but rather, a shield of defense.

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Webmaster: Greg Weatherup
Last Update: Jan 24th, 2000