I mentioned to my players some Immortals that I think there characters would know of going into the game. Below is what I told them.

I will mention a few that I thik your characters would know of.

Note that the belcadiz elves have a very different system from what is described below so very little of this applies to Sebastien.

You don't have to worship any immortal, but most elves at least respect them.

some of the immortals your characters would know of: I give the name and then some of there areas and some notes.

The main elven immortals: These ones are honored by all elves, although many of them are venerated more so in some elvish groups, but each one has some following in every elvish group, for example Mealiden is the special patron of the Alfheim but the Alfheim still venerate the others also.

lesser elvish ones and major foreign ones known to the elves, plus the major immortals of Entrophy: I believe you would of at least heard of these, but you might not know as much as I am giving you here.

Go Back to the Introduction.

Webmaster: Greg Weatherup
Last Update: Apr 4, 2000
Note that this is excerpts from a explination that I sent to the players. Asides from adding a few emphises here and there I just directly uploaded this, hence the typos.
Based very heavily on Information copyright by TSR and based on expansion work done by Jennifer Favia Guerra, aka Valerya.