RaRaga and his brother Shar are born on the planet Estin,homeworld of Old Ones. When they were born, the Old Ones have long left behind the unenlightened fellow humans of their world, the brothers' parents Ren and Jiza are among those.However,the two young brothers were very intelligent and resourceful children. In time, they could understand what the Old Ones have learnt,but evil have taken root in their homeworld.So they had to fight for life, after long they purge the evil out of their people 's mind.
However, maybe because of this battle, they left their home world to seek for the Old Ones hoping they could explain the reason why their people turned to evil. But sixty years passed, they still couldn't find the Old Ones. One day, Raga discover that each planet they encounter have this source of unique energy which only he and his brother could drawn. This energy is called the lifeforce,meaning it is the collection of all the energies produced or needed by life forms of that planet. This energy can be used prolong the life of any lifeforms,and may also give them enhanced powers. Knowing time was passing quickly, and that they might died before meeting the Old Ones. With this in mind, Raga tries to persuade his brother to drain the energy and prolong their life.Shar refused, being the elder one, and being one more closer to reach the Old Ones' status. So Raga ended the one draining the energy, he feels strong, but was attack by the locals when they find he was draining the lifeforce.In fierce battle, he lost. Seeing Raga being captured ,and was about to be killed by the local.Shar being a emotional one, gave in to his love for his brother, drain the energy. He grew strong and save Raga. But by draining the energy, his enlightenment was slowly being purging away! Only then,Shar knew, he and his brother had took the steps of destruction and back into square one. Knowing this,Shar told his brother," The only way we have ,is to.......DESTROY WORLDS AND TAKE THEIR LIFEFORCE,from today onwards, the universe will know the Shattering name of Cosmic Duo!!!"
R<--Raga the Raging One
Its seem that Shar and Raga has lost the enligthenment,so they could only be evil and destroying all that good. In actual fact, Shar and Raga didn't lose their enlightenment, but Shar chose to use his enlightenment to get rid of good, for two reason, one he believes that evil first exist then good so why bother and be a goody-to-shoes who are always being bullied, two he is angry that the Old Ones left their parents behind, even though he knew, his parents and fellow humans are the unenlightened, so he chose rebel against what the Old Ones represent.