The Runes humans form the Thomas Riker Foundation . A Foundation whose devoted to help the people of the Runes . A few years later , the Runes Colony Planets or RCP was formed ....................................
RCP was group supported by rich men like Kedge ......................................
Suddenly , a revolt begin . The RCP Revolt has begin , the colonists wanted to be free of Runes and the rich men 's controls . They refused to pay the Runes Government taxes . Armed attacks started , numerous Runes government owned proprieties was damaged , and stolen by colonists . The colonists called themselves the New World Order or NWO , they believe that the Runes Government have not right over their life , and can't claim money from them ...........................
The Runes Inner War begin , Kedge was caught up in this terrible war was unhappy . He fled to planet untouched by the war , and try and hide there.................
The Love Of Kedge : Jinni Ken |
Hiding on the planet Kans , he encounters the humanlike race called Garas . A race faithful to cause of the Old Ones , and under the protection of fearsome Creators . There he met the princess of Garas , the fearsome Garas Warrior , Jinni Ken . Her beauty smitten him at the instant . He was prepared to do any thing for her , but she was not interested in him . He could'nt understand , he took up drinking trying to understand why Jinni Ken did'nt like him.....................
The True Love Of Kedge : His Wife Sarah |
Sarah Hanna was daughter of Creator Hanna . A spoilt brat , she show nothing towards to Kedge , for her . Kedge was super weakling , whom only knows how to keep himself drunk .Their love begin thru an unexpected event , seeing him so depressed . Kedge 's Garas friend Terence .Terence decided he needed a long vacation , he told him about a famous enjoyment sport among Garas called Kiling. There he met Sarah , the two started quarreling the moment they lay eyes on each other . Sarah was actually in love with Creator Hydro . However Hydro wasn't , he was more interested in fight the Destroyers. One day Sarah was sent on journey to Planet Son to find Lord Terrus Arkane , she was ambushed by Destroyers and Kedge was there chasing the Destroyer Kima .So thru this event , their love began............................
Kedge was latter take to the Creator World by Supreme Creator Jaga after Jaga learnt about his heritage from Sarah..........................................................