The powerful Creator Terence was playful and carefree fellow during his early days as teenage. He enjoys his life without a care in the world. His mother Destroyer Ju entrust him to be under the care of Creator Mina, however the Creator was not interested in taken care of a Destroyer hybrid. Therefore , he was left alone. Left alone , he grew up with non Creators beings whom dwell in their world. He was interested in unique culture.As the years pass, he grew in young teen .
Without any memory of every being a Creator 's child , Jaga fear for the worst. He has no idea how to dealt with Terence forgetting his heritage as Creator. So he entrust Creator Richard with the duty , whom tries in vain to convince Terence of his true hertitage .For the next three years in his youth . Terence has no idea whom he is , until non-Creator being appeared before him , "I am Galax , the First Emperor Of Galaxians have come to you , to entrust you a task ..............."
Within moments he was fillied with thoughts of his dead mother , his father and the Creators' Legacy. He now knows that he is important member of Creators. He tells his Jaga "I wished to journey the Universe so as seek the true nature of the one called Galax whom gave me back my memories.Also I want to know whom are the Galaxians??" With these words he left the home world of the Creators.................................
And has return until . He was much older ..................
<<<THE END>>>