Egwene Al'Vere Sedai
Egwene Al'Vere Sedai of the Green Ajah. Married and Bonded to the Prince
of Swords, Gawyn Trakand of Andor. Bestfriends with the Queen of Andor herself,
Gawyn's sister Elayne Sedai also of the Green Ajah. First Aes Sedai to ever intern
among the Aiel Wise One's. Remarkable abilities to dreamwalk, in Tel'aran'rhiod
(the world of dreams), and also the first Aes Sedai with the ability as a dreamer in
3000 years. Originally from Edmonds Feild in the Two Rivers, she travled the world before
being raised to the Amyrlin Seat at 18 years old. Stepped down in 1998fy when she married
The Prince of Swords, although still retaining the shawl. Still to this day, one of the most
strongest Aes Sedai of all time.