Welcome aboard

the Gantrithor

A homepage for all things...


Pippin and Neon-Chocolate's page for the classic stadegy game for the pc!
Find on this site:
*Fun stuff and our general goofing around (comes free with all our internet pages!)
*Stradegy for both beginners and experts!
*Both the original and Brood Wars info and stradegy
*Unit lists and screen shots
*Starcraft trivia

We have all experienced StarCrafts' three great species: Terran, Protoss and Zerg, and by now know all of their strengths and weaknesses as an opponent and from a players point of view and this is what we are here to discuss.
We're sure that if you are reading this you are either
a) A casual surfer seeing a familiar title and coming in to take a look
b) A total beginner who has got the game a few seconds ago but still thinks that he is a total master at the intricate art of StarCraft strategy
c) An expert who has found this inferior piece litreture that is an insult to the upper class of StarCraft players and has come to laugh at it
d) A fellow gamer who has come to see what other gamers think and to trade advice
We're banking on you being d) and so we will begin...

Choose your species!

We hope you learn much and enjoy our page.
We are open to critisizations and comments(email us!). We will post interesting ideas from ppl (like different strategies) if they are intellegent.
We would really like to hear from you!

People have visited this site since the 5 of March!

Visit Blizzard.com right now!!!

Starcraft and all that stuff is copywrire Blizzard Entertainment (just so you know!)